Entering The Prison

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Nobody's POV

"DRISTA WHAT THE HELL!" Tubbo screamed holding on to her wrist trying not to fall. "I UNDERSTAND PEOPLE DEAL WILL GREIF IN DIFFERENT WAYS BUT DON'T DRAG ME INTO THIS!" He yelled once again. Drista looked down and chuckled "Tubbo chill out were almost there."

Drista flew them over to a huge hole in the ground. She set Tubbo down on the ground of the hole. "Why are we here?" Tubbo walked around the hole looking around for anything special. "Over here!" Drista yelled while standing in front of a obsidian block.

"Ok so basically the first time I met Tommy he was digging this hole. A bit after that we talked again and he made this joke about a fork." She said pulling the fork out of the box. She stared at it for a bit and sighed. "The joke was to poke Dreams eyes out with it. Later that day he brought me back to the hole and placed the obsidian and threw the fork at it. It opened a secret room where he stored two full netherite."

She looked at the fork once more then threw it at the block. It made a few shuffling sound then opened a room with two chests. Tubbo walked into the room in pure amazement. He opened one of the chests to reveal full netherite amor along with a netherite axe and sword. The chest also contained a stack of tnt.

He looks over at Drista who had equipped the amor already. He ran over and hugged her. She freezes taken aback by the affection but hugs back. Tubbo let's go and throws his axe in the air then catches it, "let's kill that green bitch!"

Drista flys and grabs Tubbo again and takes them to the prison. As the approach it Dristas ability to fly fails and her and Tubbo fall. They land on the ground with a thud. "Guess creative doesn't work near the prison." She said with a shrug and helps Tubbo up. He dusts him self off and they walk towards the portal.

As they walk in the room with the portal they see Sam already there. Drista panics forgetting they had to make up a lie to get in. Tubbo bites his lip and takes a deep breath. "Oh hi Saaaaaaam! We would like to visit Dream and say hi! Nothing more nothing less! It's not like we're going to kill him or anything he he he (nervous laughing)." Drista sighs and face palms.

"Really? Tubbo your a terrible liar, you know that?" Sam says with his eyes raised. "Ok look, we're going in there and killing my broth-" She shudders at the word, "we're going in there and killing Dream and there's nothing you can do about it." She raises her axe.

Sam bursts out laughing and holding his stomach. "O-oh my god BAHAHAAH" he breaths trying to calm himself  "you people never let me finish! I said he's a terrible liar I never said I wasn't letting you in." Sam says still trying not to laugh.

     +*~Time Skip Past The Entrance Thingssss~*+

"Ok here you are.... are you sure you want to do this? There's no telling what he's gonna do." Sam asks. "Yeah we're sure I'm so done with his bullshit." Tubbo says as he raises his sword. "Ok wait for the lava to lower then walk with the platform. I'll give you 1 week there should be enough food ok?" Sam says flicking the lever. They both nod.

                        +*~The Lava Lowers~*+

Drista and Tubbo both take a deep breath and walk on the platform. As they approach the cell and the wall lowers Drista yells "LISEN UP YOU ASS WHAT YOU DID TO TOMMY WAS UNACCEPTABLE I SWEAR IM GONNA-" Tubbo taps Dristas shoulder and points to who she thought was Dream



OK SO HOWD I DO? Sorry I'm pretty bad at cliffhangers so I hope I did good! Oh also



Also sorry this ones kinda short I wanted to end it on that so yeah! Make sure to vote and comment! Have an amazing day! Stay awesome and don't forget your valid!!!

Operation Fork (a bench trio + Drista friendfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن