Planing Ahead

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The rest of that day Tommy spent his time playing with Micheal along with Drista Ranboo and Tubbo until around 8:00 at night. 

Tubbo noticed Michael falling asleep in Tommys arms so he grabs him and carries him to the now drained bathtub with a blanket and pillows in it. he sets Micheal down and walks back over the the 3. Phil walks over and sits with them, "Ok mates listen, its almost time for everyone to go to sleep because we have a long day ahead of us, so pick your spots and grab a pillow and blanket." Philza says motioning to the pile of sleeping items. 

Tommy made the loudest an most dramatic groan "but phillllll" he whined "were in the Dream apocalypse what could we possible have to do tomorrow." he whined louder.  Phil rolled his eyes and threw a blanket and pillow at Tommy. "We have to meet up with a few other people, some of them are still scared to come out tho." Tommy sighed and flopped on the ground. He dramatically flung the blanket over himself. 

5:00 a.m.

Philza woke up, he walked over to the ladder and climed up it. he got to the surface and opend his wings a bit just in case he needed to fight anyone. He checked both ways and began to walk to the forest a bit far from there hideout. After about 15 minutes of walking he reached his destination. "Hey Phil..." the person in front of him said.

7:00 a.m. 

Ranboo stirred awake. It took him a bit to remember where exactly he was. The first thing he noticed was the absence of Philza, "he must be out scouting again." he whispers to himself. Upon further inspection  he saw Micheal sleeping with Tubbo in the empty bathtub, Drista was seeping in one corner on the floor and across the room in the other corner was Tommy. Tommy looked upset and was kicking in his sleep. "must be having a nightmare..." he mumbles to himself. 


Around Christmas time 

He was doing his daily tasks which consisted of going to L'manburg meetings with Tubbo then later dropping one of his daily letters to Tommy. He began the long journey to Tommys. After what felt like hours he finally got to the sad little area. It was about 9:00 in the morning so he could count on Tommy still sleeping. He sighed and went to check on him. 

He walked over to the tent, he sympathetically looked at Tommy who has a distressed look on his face whispering things like 'please don't leave' 'wait come back' 'i worked so hard for that stuff' he softly cries in his sleep. Guilt fills Ranboo as he feels like its his fault Tommys suffering. Tears start start to well in Ranboos eyes. He quickly realizes and begins to freak out "wait nonnoono not right now" he hisses at the burning feeling as the tears scar his face. 

He hears Tommy stir and freaks out even more. He pulls himself together and quickly gets back to L'manburg. He got back now out of breath and still hurting. Tubbo finds him and quickly pulls aside, "what the hell happened to you?! Are you ok?!" Tubbo freaks out as he grabs ointment to apply  to his wounds. 

He winces in pain "I-I- OW- ehem I um went to visit Tommy." Tubbo stops everything he was doing and sighs, he puts down the ointment. "How- how is he" Tubbos voice small almost like a whisper. "He um-" Ranboo began but Tubbo cut him off. "Honestly" Tubbo pleads. Ranboo looks down at his feet, "hes not doing so well, when I got there I think he was having a nightmare..." Ranboo says, Tubbos face drops "Again... I thought he was over those... oh god I'm the reason for them now.... oh god.." Tubbo slowly walks away mumbling stuff Ranboo cant quite make out. 

                                                                             END OF FLASHBACK 

Ranboo winces at the memory "why of all things do u have to remember that" he whispers to himself and sighs. He looks back over to Tommy who is still frantically kicking in his sleep. Ranboo sighs and sits next to him. He decides to just talk to him for awhile. He talks softly to the sleeping Tommy, he looked like he calmed down from whatever nightmare he was having. Ranboo smiles to himself and continues to tell Tommy random stories fully aware Tommy cant hear or acknowledge him but it seemed to sooth him so he has no problem with it. 

9:30 a.m. 

Everyone was now awake and Philza had just got back. He gathered everyone up and started to explain the plan for the day. "Ok mates listen up, everyone prepare yourself to move fast and together. were meeting everyone else at Church Prime." he explains as he climes up the ladder. Everyone follows Philza up the ladder. They all start to rush over to the church. 

When they enter they notice Techno Blade, Jack Manifold, Puffy, Fundy, Quakity, Sapnap,  Sam, Foolish, and Karl. Drista immediately ran over to Puffy hugged her. They all mingled and had Tommy sit down and explain everything. It took a bit but he eventually got through it.  

"Ok, so basically were screwed." Jack concludes.  "What?! No stop it hes totally out numbed! We got this!" Sapnap said trying to hype everyone up although he wasn't totally confident. "Yeah listen to Sapnap! Wow i never thought i'd say that." Drista said mumbling the last part. Sapnap flicked her head and held in a laugh. 

They all talked and tried to lighten the depressing mood. After laughing and cracking jokes for around 30 minutes then they finally calmed down and began to talk strategy. Philza got in front of the podium and began to talk "Alright mates, as we all know the "Dream Apocalypse" is going on and hes somewhere out there waiting to strike. Hes not doing his normal tactics either. There no way to know who he'll take next and we cant afford to lose anyone right now." 

He look over at techno. "Techno did you get the stuff we talked about?" Phil asks. Techno nods and takes his bag off and dumps pairs of full enchanted netherite armor and weapons for each person.  Tommys face lights up and he runs over to the stuff. He grabs a full set or armor and puts it on and puts the weapons in his bag and around his belt. 

-when i say bags or backpacks i mean inventorys btw- 

He looks at Techno and gets up and runs over to him. He gives him and hug and whispers 'Thank you for this and i really am sorry'  he then lets go and proceeds to walk around talking about how hes a big man and how he could have gotten it himself. 

Techno POV

Tommy ran over and hugged me he said he was sorry and thanked me. before  i could even comprehend what was going on he left and began talked about how amazing he is. I sighed and sat on one of the benches and watched as everyone grabbed armor. He sighed again and smiled to himself.

Tommys always been like this ever since he was little. He would act all brave and tough but he really did appreciate the little things like gifts they really meant a lot to him. He sighed and watched as Tommy marches around obviously feeling more safe and a lot more himself.  

Back to nobody's POV

Philza clears his throat and everyone's head snaps back to him, "Ok so there no time for planing or tactics for all we know Dream could be listening right now. I would like everyone to look inside the fountain there are books for each of you just in case someones listening please read it in you head and not out loud. 

Everyone migrates over to the fountain and opens the chest. They all grab there books and begin to read. Tommy goes over to Tubbo and whispers what it says to him because he was struggling. They all shut the books and Philza begins to light a fire for all of them to throw the books in. "Everyone follow what it says on the book and be prepared." he says as his parting words.  

Techno decides to go with Phil ranting about how it was his last life and he didn't want him to die. As they begin to take the children back to the bunker they bump into a man in a cloke. "Phil! he cheered so is the plan ready?" he asks turning around the wound in his arm and white streak in his hair now showing. 

IM BACK BITCHESSSSS sorry i was gone for so long just haven't rly been feelin myself lately but its ok :) ANYWAYS DID I DO GOOD ON THE CLIFFHANGER??? ALSO ITS KINDA OBVIOUS WHO IT ISSSSS BUT TYSM FOR OVER 400 VEIWS LIKE WHERE DO U GUYS COME FROM???



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