Who are you again

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Sapnap POV:

Me Karl and Quackity began to walk back to L'Targay where they were hiding. They hadn't really spoken to Quackity in a while so it was nice having him back. As we all walked back I noticed Karl was being a bit distant and looked confused. He was walking rather far from Quackity and was sort of clinging to me. 

I leaned over a whispered in Karls ear "Hey whats wrong? Are you feeling ok?" Karl leaned back in my ear to whisper back, "Yeah I'm ok... but why are you being so buddy buddy with that dude? Is he safe?" I immediately stopped and made Karl stop along with me. "What are you talking about? This is a joke right?" i questioned. I've realized Karl has been super forgetful lately so this was really concerning. 

Nobodys POV:

"What are you talking about is it a joke? I don't know him hes safe right?" Karl asked once again. This caused Quackity to halt and walk over to the two. "Wha- of coarse hes safe! You know this karl hes-" Sapnap was cut off mid sentence, "Hey who are you guys talking about?" Quackity asks concern laced within the question. 

Karl looked at Quakity like a confused puppy, "Well you silly! My friend here was acting all weird when i asked about you. But I'm Karl! Karl Jacobs!" he exclaimed  as he  extended his hand. Quackity stared at his hand then at Sapnap pleading for an answer with his eyes. Sapnap began to open his mouth to say something but instead just looked down at his feet. Tears built up in his eyes when he looked over at Karl who still had his hand extended. 

Tears began to fall as he realized Karl was not in fact joking. He took Karls hand with tears still in his eyes and shook his hand, "Quackity" he simply stated looking back up at Karl who seeming pleased with the hand shake. 

Heyyy its meeee! sorry for the super short chapter and for not updating for awhile i dont really have a schedule for this lmao. Anyways this is just a filler chapter while i plan how i want to go about the next one. So sorry again! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2021 ⏰

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