Unexpected Meeting at the Truck stop

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As I was walking to the truck stop, a red car speed past me. It almost knocked me off of my feet. Stupid drivers, I thought to myself. I kept walking to the truck stop, not thinking much of it, when I saw the same red car at the truck stop. I didn't know if I wanted to confront them or mind my own business. I decided it would be too much of a hassle to confront them, so I just went inside and got my stuff. 

When I turned the corner to go to the cash register, I couldn't believe my eyes. It was fucking Lightning McQueen. But wait, why was I excited. I thought I said I didn't care about meeting him. But the real question was why was he in my town? I then remembered he had a match coming up, but was next week, so why was he here?

" Excuse me, sorry for interrupting but are you Lightning McQueen?" I said.

"Oh, you're the first person to recognize me, but yes, I am." He said.

" Oh shit," I said under my breath. "That's pretty funny because I'm going to be at the race that you're attending. It's even funnier that I'm a part of your pit crew. I'm the newest member," I said, Chuckling.

" Oh wait, so you're that person everyone on my team has been talking about. Y/N is it?" He said while also chuckling.

He knew my name? What was going on? I just was excepted to be on his pit crew, and he knows my name. This is crazy. Wait, get a hold of yourself Y/N, you just met him. And you're getting all excited about him knowing your name? I thought you didn't even care about meeting him like I've said 1 million times. Get a grip, jeez.

" That's the name. So what exactly are you doing in this town so early? The match isn't until next week." I said.

" Well, funny story. My manager said that they wouldn't be any way to transport my car on a plane, so I ended up just having to dive here with my car all alone. My manager isn't here right now, and I don't have any bodyguards since I refused. Barley, anyone recognized me, other than you, of course." He said.

" Wait, do you not have a place to stay. I'm assuming you've never been to this town before, based on where you stoped for food." I said with a smirk under my mask.

" You can't be talking. You walked here. There was a grocery store, and you chose this place." he said.

I was getting a little angry, but I knew he was joking.

" Well, for your information. I WOULD have gone to the grocery store if there wasn't a line longer than a school bus outside." I said with attitude.

" Sure, sure, but you were right, I haven't been to this town before, so I know nothing. Do you know any hotels that I could stay at nearby?" He asked.

" Oh Shit, about that. We don't have any hotels here. The closest one is about 2 1/2 hours away." I said with hesitance.

" Crap should have expected that since the match arena is 1 1/2 hours away." He said with disappointment.

Suddenly something struck in my head. This may be the stupidest thing I ever tried asking someone. I mean, he's Lightning McQueen, and he doesn't have any bodyguards, so what was making me think he would say yes. Did I think I was in some storybook or some shit like that? Ugh, whatever. It's worth a shot.

" Hey, so I know the sounds crazy, and you probably won't accept because you have no bodyguards around, but you could stay at my place for a few days. But if you don't want to, that's fi-" I was rudely cut off.

" Wait for real? You'd let me stay at your place?" He said with confusion.

" Dude, I'm pretty sure any person who admired you would want you to stay at their place. It would be a dream come true. But you could think of this as an opportunity to get to know each other since, again, I'm the newest member of the pit crew." I said.

" This is awesome; I'd be glad to stay at your place. We can ride in my car to your area since I'm assuming you don't want to walk," he said with a smile.

" Sure, that would be great, though I am warning you. I have a roommate named Amanda, and she's a huge fan of yours. She'll probably go crazy when she sees you; then she'll lecture me about leaving the house without a phone and then bringing someone over without me telling her first." I said while laughing

"Oh, that's fine. I've had my fair share of crazy roommates." He said while laughing

We both made our way out of the store and to his car. This was the moment that iI realized I was getting in Lightning McQueens' car. And I was bringing him to my apartment. Holy shit, I thought to myself. I stepped into his car, and we made our way to my apartment.

Could this week get any better? I thought to myself.

It could.

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