Hanging out ;)

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When we got back to my apartment, I was pretty nervous. I had no idea what Amanda would think about me bringing home someone that I didn't tell her about. Let alone the fact that it's Lighting McQueen. God, I need to ask him if i can give him a nickname, I thought to myself.

Sooner than I knew, we were already making our way up the metal stairs. I got nervous when we approached the door. I opened it, and just like I had thought, Amanda was sitting like an angry mom who just found out you snuck out. She had my phone in hand, while tapping her leg. But that attitude didn't last long when she saw Lightning McQueen right behind me.

" Y/N, I can't believe you- WHAT THE HELL!?" Amanda screamed

" Uhmmmm, so I can explain-" Amanda cut me off

" You left for 1 hour and come back with Lightning McQueen. I'm beginning to think I'm hallucinating or you're on something. Whatever it is, give it to me." Amanda said

I laughed and then began to explain what happened and how Lightning McQueen would stay here for a while.

" Oh yeah, Lightning McQueen, do you have a nickname? I could use it since I say Lightning McQueen every time. " I said while laughing.

" Oh yeah yeah, you can call me Light. No particular reason, I just like it," Light said.

" Sweet. I can show you to your temporary room." I said with a smile

" After you. " Light said

" Oh yeah, I'll be sleeping on the couch since it's only a two-room apartment, so if you need me ill always be in the living room or Amanda's room," I said

" Woah Woah Woah, that's not going to work. I don't want you to sleep on a couch for eight days. That can't be good for your back. Plus, you have to be in perfect shape and limber for the pit crew practices. So I'll sleep on the couch. " He said in a serious tone.

" Woah there, pretty boy, since when did you care for me. You met me today," I said, laughing. "Plus, you're the one who's going to be racing. If anyone shouldn't be hurting, it's you. " I said. " 

Guys, stop fighting. How about you both sleep in the-" I cut Amanda off.

" Stop trying to be smug—also Light, your sleeping in the bedroom. You're the guest, so you get to be treated like one. I'll show you to your room now." I said, glaring Amanda in the eyes.

When we were walking to the room, and we got to the door, I showed him the room and then...




Amanda had locked me and Light in a room together, and knowing Amanda, she wouldn't open the door until we both agreed to sleep in the same room. This was the most awkward thing that has happened to me in my life. I guess I have to play it off cool, I thought to myself.

" Remember when I said my roommate was crazy? This is just one of her stunts that she will pull. Sorry about this." I said with embarrassment.

"It's totally fine. But I'm assuming she's not going to let us out unless we agree. I don't care, as long as you are comfortable with it." Light said.

" Oh uh..." I said dumbfounded

I couldn't believe it. Light just said he would be fine with me staying in the same room as him. Wait, Y/N, don't get ahead of yourself. He didn't say anything like staying in the same bed as you. Ok, calm down. I thought to myself.

" Sure, I don't mind," I said

Then we heard a loud click, and Amanda threw open the door.

" See. Problem solved. You're welcome." She said while curtsying

We all laughed, and then the loudest stomach growl came out of me. Like Jesus, I had no idea it could get that loud.

" Someones Hungry. Did my Pancakes not satisfy your stomach?" Amanda said with a smile

" I guess not. I just heard this new mall opened up. And I'm pretty sure they have a Starbucks." I said, knowing that Amanda would light up in joy

" CAN WE GO?" Light and Amanda said

" Wow, ya'll are super alike," I said while laughing. " Sure, we can go," I said

" We can take my car!" Light said

" You sure?" Amanda said

" Yup, let's go." Light said.

We all made our way down to his car. We got in and started driving to the mall. I thought to myself for a while. This day had been crazy. I knew that I would meet him, but ridding in his car to go and have lunch with him, yeah, that was on another level. Sooner than I had realized, we were already at the mall. We all got out of the car, and Light tried his hardest to act normal so that we wouldn't have an entire paparazzi going after us.

I lead them to the Starbucks, and we sat down after ordering our food.

" Hold up, guys. I have to go to the car; I think I left my wallet there, which has my phone in it. I'll be right back, but it might take a while." Amanda said

" Alright, that's chill. Just come back soon because we might go shopping without you." I said, chuckling.

" You wouldn't-" Amanda said

" I would. Now hurry up and get out of here." I said while laughing.

Amanda left and suddenly out of nowhere, this group of people came up to Light and started screaming for his autograph.

" Oh shit. Y/N, we got to leave right now. I can't have more people finding out that I'm here. They might find out that I'm staying in your apartment, and they'd chase us here. Let's go." He said

" O-Oh, Ok," I said while scrambling out of Starbucks

" Y/N, your order is ready!" The worker said

Oh, come on. Right as we're are leaving. Dammit. Bye-bye Starbucks.

As we were running out, groups of people started running after us. I ended up getting caught in a clump, and people started asking how I knew him. Oh yeah, and this is the day I remembered I had claustrophobia. I started panicking. There were so many people around, and I didn't know what to do. Suddenly someone grabbed my waist and Carried me out of the crowd.

 After I calmed down, I realized it was Light. He was panicking too, and we were out of there as fast as we could go.

We got to the car we saw Amanda, and she was terrified because we were running and Light was carrying me.

" Amanda, get in the car now! People found out I was here, and we have to leave before they start following us in our cars." Light yelled

She quickly opened the back seat, and Light put me down. Amanda stayed in the back seat with me, trying to get me to calm down because I hadn't had a panic attack like that ever before. Soon we speed off and leave the mall.

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