Sleepover ;)

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I couldn't remember much of what happened because I ended up passing out in the back seat. Amanda had told me that after I passed out, they started panicking and ran four red lights. I surprised we all didn't die. When we got to my apartment, Light carried me up the stairs and into my room.

I woke up shortly after, and Light was lying right next to me. I didn't notice at the moment, but he had his arms tightly wrapped around me. It was like a bear hug. I wasn't complaining until I realized I had to pee.

" Uh, Light. I have to pee. Can you stop hugging me?" I whispered while embarrassed 

" Hm?" Light said

He was barely awake, but once he was, he looked shocked and embarrassed. He sat right up, trying to ignore what he was doing. His face was bright red, almost like a tomato.

" Crap Y/N, I'm sorry, I didn't realize I fell asleep. I was just so worried-"

" Hey, don't worry, it's fine. But I seriously have to pee." I said while laughing.

I got up and went to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror, and I was blushing hardcore. Did I wake up in Lights arms? We are only supposed to be work partners. Do I like him? No, I can't; I just met him. What is even going on. I was so confused, and there were so many questions going through my head at the moment.

" Hey Y/N, are you ok in there? You're taking a while." Light said

I didn't realize how much my head hurt at the moment.

" Oh yeah, sorry, I'll be out soon," I replied

When I was going to the door of the bathroom, I felt super Light headed. I needed more sleep. I opened the door and plopped head first onto the bed.

" Y/N, you ok?" Light asked

" Yeah, just super tired and Light headed. Plus, it doesn't make it better than I have pit crew practice tomorrow." I said with a loud sigh

" I'll tell them you can't make it. You'll have multiple other practices in the next seven days; you'll be fine." Light said to me

" Wait, two things. 1, they don't even know that I'm with you right now. Isn't that against the rules? To hang out with someone on your team. And 2, are you sure I can do that?" I said 

" Well, the answer to that is, no, it isn't against the rules to hang out with someone on your crew; and 2, Yes, you can do that," he said while smirking.

Sooner than I knew, Amanda came in with my favorite tea, soup, and a heating blanket.

" You idiot. How dare you have a panic attack on us like that. You scared me to death. But you need to go to sleep now, child. Husshhhhhhh," Amanda said

We all started laughing, and I ate my soup and drank my tea. Today had been super long and weird, but I was glad it wasn't over.

" Hey Y/N, Amanda is right, you need some sleep, and it's getting late. I'll let you sleep alone tonight. See you tomorrow." Light said

" Wait, I know this sounds weird, but it's comforting when you're around. Could you maybe stay until I fall asleep?" I said.

What the hell Y/N, I thought to myself. Why did you ask him that? He must think you're so weird. You met him today. Remember that. Nothing special is going on.

" You know what, just forget what I said you could-"

" Nope, it's totally fine. I'll stay with you until you fall asleep." He said with a smile

Holy shit- Did he say that he would stay with me. Oh my god. My face feels super hot all of a sudden.

" Y/N you ok? Your face is bright red. Do you have a fever? Light said.

" Oh um, no, I don't worry, just kind of hot in here," I said with embarrassment.

Suddenly Light jumped on the bed, making my body fly up. We both started laughing and then went silent. I tried to make it a little less awkward by shutting my eyes, but he broke that silence by grabbing my body with his arms and pulling me in tight. I didn't know what to say, so I let it happen.

I had never felt this feeling before. The sense of comfort and protection. Was this happening? Was I really in the arms of Lightning McQueen? It's only been a day, and so much has happened. I wish this day would never end. But sooner than I knew, I had fallen asleep, and everything felt peaceful.

My day totally got better.

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