Ready, Set, DATE!

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We all went out to grab Pizza. After we had eaten, Light and Mator wanted to challenge us to Go-kart racing. Amanda and I knew that we would lose because we were going up against the people who raced for a living. Well, Mator didn't, but you get the point.

* At the Go-kart place *

" You'll ready to get smoked." Light chuckled

" Oh, you really think you'll beat us," Amanda said while laughing

" Hey, how about the losers have to give the winner 50 bucks," I said

" Well, make sure you all have 50 bucks because I'm about to smoke ya'll." Light said

" Let's see about that," I said while chuckling

When we all got onto the track, the ref could tell that we meant business. Plus, if we broke the rules, we would just explain who we were. We all had a high advantage at killing each other, but hey, it was going to be fun.

" Alright, Y'all. When I say 3,2,1 go, you take off. First to get five laps around the track wins. No physical contact, got it?" The ref said

" Yup." We all responded in unison

" Alright, 3......2......1...... GO!" The ref yelled

We all speed off. There were way more turns than all of us had expected. Light was in first, then Amanda, then Mator, and I was last. I was not going to take defeat, so it was time to up my game.

I went as fast as I could and whipped around the corners. I drifted around a corner and hit Mator. He spun out, and now I was in third. Amanda was still in close second, and as much as I loved her. I had to win. Mator was yelling at me. He was mad, but he was catching up quickly. I ended up doing a spin because I went around a corner so fast, but it worked to my advantage. I had hit Mator while I was spinning, and it catapulted me in front of Amanda. She started yelling at me, and then I pulled a break check on her. Amanda had stopped dead in her tracks, which caused Mator to stop too. I might not be the fastest driver, but at least I was smart.

We were on our 4th lap at this point and almost to the finish line. Light was going so fast I could barely see him until I hit a corner I didn't expect, and Amanda came shooting in front of me. I was pissed, but at this point I couldn't lose. I put my blood, sweat, and tears into these last final seconds. I rushed up behind Amanda, hit her, and sent her back. And Finally. There was Light. Right in front of me, about to reach the finish line until I did the coolest drift I have ever seen in my life. I went backward and crossed the finish line while looking Light directly in the eyes.

When we all got out of the karts, I did a victory dance.

" Oh yeah, Light, you got those 50 bucks because I want to go to the fair," I said with a smug look on my face.

" Shut up, idiot. That last drift was not fair." Light said angrily

Everyone started laughing, and they all handed me 50 bucks.

" Hey, Amanda and Mator, do ya'll want to go to the fair with me and light?" I asked

" I'm not feeling it today, sorry, But Mator, do you want to go watch that new movie that came out today?" Amanda said

" Oh, the Demon Slayer Movie? Hell yeah." Mator said

" Well, there's our answer. Light and I will be at the fair. See ya'll later." I said to them

I walked out of the Go-kart arena with 150 dollars in hand, feeling proud.

Light and I walked to the fair, and I acted like a golden retriever on that way. When we finally got to the fair, I was overwhelmed by the number of rides and games they had.

Lightning McQueen x ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora