A new Friend

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When we had woken up, I didn't know to feel embarrassed or happy.

" Morning Y/N. How'd you sleep?" Light said in a morning voice

" Pretty well, actually. Guess you fell asleep with me, huh." I said, chuckling.

" I guess I did. Hey, also, would you want to meet my friend Mator today? I was originally supposed to meet up with him yesterday at a hotel, but I forgot to tell him I was at your place." Light said

" Oh yeah, I'd love to. But I'm sure Amanda's making breakfast right now, so I'm going to check that out. You should get dressed in the meantime." I chuckled

Light didn't have a shirt on, and I could tell he was embarrassed by what I said, but I decided to go into the living room to see what Amanda was cooking. Before I opened the door, I heard Amanda singing.

" What's up, I'm Ethan, and I'm 14! Slaying all these women with my massive-" I cut her off

" Well, good morning to you, Amanda," I said while laughing.

" Oh, heyyyyy. Didn't see you there." Amanda laughed

" Well, clearly, but what are you making. It smells heavenly." I said

" Oh, it's my new special! Manda Pandas Banana Extravaganza!" She yelled

" Could I have some context clues, or can I phone a friend." I laughed

" Since you can't just guess, It's banana Pancakes. You'll love them. And hopefully Light will too." Amanda said

" Oohhhhh, can I try some?" I said, running towards the fresh plate of pancakes.

" No, you may not," Amanda said while guarding the plate of pancakes.

" Damn. I'll get dressed, and then I'll go eat them." I said, disappointed.

I walked back to my room disappointed and told Light about the pancakes.

" Oh also, I got to change, so can you get out for a sec," I said as politely as possible.

" Oh yeah, sorry. " Light said while leaving.

I thought to myself.Do I dress extra, or comfy. Comfy. I don't want to get dolled up just to meet his friend. But wait. What if he thinks I'm weird for being in clothes that make me look like I put in no effort. Wait, this is Mator that we're talking about. I've seen him on Tv. He could care less. Ok, so comfy. But I want it to be cute.

I spent about 7 minutes picking out an outfit and getting dressed. By the time I had gotten out, Light and Amanda had already started eating.

" Hey, what the hell Amanda, You always wait to eat with me. And you promised you would give me some." I said

" Hey, hold up. When did I say you would get some," Amanda said

I was heartbroken. Did Amanda really not give me some Manda Pandas Banana Extravaganza. This was the worst morning ever.

" I'm just kidding you dunce; I saved you a plate full," Amanda said while laughing.

" Oh, you idiot, I was about to kill you," I said while trying to laugh and hold back tears at the same time.

I sat down and dug in.

" Holy shit," I said with my mouth full of pancakes. " These are amazing oh my god," I said, trying not to choke.

" I told you that you would like it," Amanda said.

Did I ever mention that Amanda's cooking was probably one of the only reasons I put up with her? She's super crazy all the time, but her fabulous cooking makes me forget about everything. Amanda decided to put on some music to break the silence. She ended up playing BeachBoy on our speakers, and I thought my ears were going to fall out. Nevertheless, we had a really fun time at breakfast. But that was only the start of the day.

When Amanda got ready, we all left to go and see Mator. The hotel he was staying at was 1 hour and 30 minutes away. We decided to go in Amandas van since there was more room. She decked out her van in a cottage core vibe, and she had multiple mushroom figures and paintings in her van. I loved riding in it because I felt like I was getting kidnaped, but make it pretty.

We all jammed out to her Favorite Album, Good & Evil, By Tally Hall. For half of the car ride. On the other half, we listened to my Favorite Artist, Lemon Demon.

When we arrived at the Hotel, Light lead us to his room.

" Hey Mator, you in there? It's me, LM. I brought my friends that I was talking about." Light said while aggressively knocking on the door

" Hold on, buddy; I'm coming." Mator responded

The door opened, and there was Mator. I could tell Amanda had a little crush because she couldn't get a word out. That wasn't like her. When I first met her, she wasn't even shy. I used to call her Sir talks a lot.

" Yo LM, who are these people you're with?" Mator asked

" That's Y/N, They are a big fan of racing, and they are on my pit crew. and she's Y/N best friend and roommate, Amanda. They were pretty excited to meet you, so be nice to Y/N." Light said

" Oh cool, I'm Mator, as you probably know. Nice to meet ya'll." Mator said while smiling.

I could tell that this day was going to be a good one.

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