Chapter 1

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Maybe it was because I didn't really give a fuck but I really didn't care about this chick. Just standing next to her long red flowing hair made me feel like I didn't feel important anymore. But I have to do this for a stupid fucking job.

I looked at the mirror and there I was. I couldn't help admire that sexy looking woman staring back at me. Call me a narcissist, but I just can't help it when you're gifted as much as I am. Short black hair, pink eyes, and small face. That was me, Mako Viltra. Wearing this oversized bright yellow hoodie with black shorts. The chick that was in charge of was Mera Gouldy. That name alone is enough to make anyone figure out that she was old money if anyone was from Polarity. Her silky hair made me want to pull them off. There are only a few people that I hate in this world but she's one of them. Those onyx eyes of hers that screamed innocence.

Mera: I can't figure this out! Argh! Help me please?

Mako: Huh? Why the fuck would I help you?

Mera: Because my father told me you were good at this! Why the hell would he want to buy you if you weren't going to do your job!

Mako: I don't give a fuck, I'm just here to sit here and watch.

Mera: But you're my tutor!

Mako: Oh right...

I scratched my head because I forgot that I was. Was this really the only way for me to earn money? There's no way in hell that I was going to sell my body to some horny loser but I also didn't want to do something overly hard.

Mera's father hired me to be her english tutor. Despite that rich looking dress she has, she's basically illiterate to the point it makes me want to rip my earrings off!

Looking around her room, it makes me wonder what she did in her past life to get this lucky. A large private room with air conditioning, space to fit a fucking sofa, and a four poster bed filled with so much fluffy pillows that would make anyone fall asleep in seconds. This girl had it all. And yes, I am jealous about it. Actually the proper word is hate. I loathe this girl with all my might. How the hell did she get this lucky!

Mera: What about this sentence?

Mako: You didn't even put a fucking comma here, or even a period! Where did you even go to school? Aren't you like 17 or something?

Mera: Well... That's a secret. Teehee.

Mako: Ew, disgusting.

Mera: Hey! No one has ever called me disgusting before. What are you supposed to be anyway! How did father find you...

Mako: That shit is irrelevant right now. Right now all you need to do is get your english writing right first!

Mera: But english is so hard! Like, how am I supposed to know to use a comma! The way you say it is vague!

Mako: How could it be vague?! All you need to do is remember if you have more than a few things to write then just put a comma to indicate that you're writing multiple different things! Or if you want to cut the sentence to make it fucking simple or easier to read, you cut it with a comma! Then if you want to read something that is irrelevant to the last clause but relevant to the first clause then you add a comma signifying that it's meant for the first clause referring to the first subject! Is that to understand!?

Mera: Eh~ Explain that again please... Just without the yelling maybe. Hehehe.

Mako: You're actually so fucking useless.

Mera: No, I'm not! You're just a bad teacher!

Mako: I'm not a teacher in the first fucking place anyway! Your dad just hired me for some reason!

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