Chapter 5

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My phone was already telling me it was 12 am in the morning but I couldn't sleep yet. I didn't want to leave all of this work alone. Part of me wanted to just sleep after this smoke, but I know that it wouldn't leave me alone. These novels usually take a while for me to edit because there's nothing that actually interests me. Most of the time people just follow the same formula without actually understanding what makes them great.

See how the klutzy archetype can be expanded with different styles of executions just being wasted by being called a trope. Or how the shy quiet one will always just be a shy one because she's shy. So much wasted potential on characters that infinitely deserve to be fleshed out but instead are seen as objects of humiliation for the main character.

Weirdly enough the one character that I do relate with in this trash series would be the self aware girl that the protagonist is pursuing. She knows that if she goes with him then she'll lose part of herself. It beautifully shows that all loves have thorns, no matter how perfect it is on paper.

Sadly she's the most unliked girl in the series because she's the only one that refuses to follow the protagonists shenanigans. Instead, all of Morris' viewers want to see more of the raunchy scenes that make your heart warm for a split second only for it to fall comedically flat on its face. In the end, the real girl is ignored because she's too realistic.

I puffed another out to the window of my room, there was no way that I was going to be ignored for being realistic. I want to be the one that steals the show and be the best girl of the show. Just like the girl in the story, I'll be someone that'll ignore everyone who'll pursue me, even if it means abandoning the notion of falling in love.

Looking around my small room, there were just too many scattered pieces of paper everywhere. Too many things that were left undone because I just didn't have the time. Or maybe the proper phrase would be because I was scared of what would happen if I showed it to the world. I'm scared of being rejected. I'm scared that if I did my best and poured my heart into it, it would still be rejected. That's why I prefer editing. Hurting the hearts of others would be easier for me than someone actually hurting me.

Music sheets that I promised myself I'd memorize, works in progress that haven't been updated in forever, and art pieces that haven't even reached the halfway sketches. I really am some kind of monster that never finishes anything.

The door made a knocking sound, as I looked at it the door opened up. A boy came into my room that appeared around the same age as me. Though his face looked a bit embarrassed as he entered in, this wasn't his first time in here. He held his nose as the smell of smoke filled him up.

This was Josh, he was the son of the family I was staying with. He had some kind of strange flat hair that the anime protagonist would be modeled after. However, unlike most protagonists Josh was blonde instead of dark. He was about a couple of years younger than me but already taller than me.

Josh: Mako, dinner is ready.

Mako: Thanks, you can leave now.

Josh: Mom and Dad aren't here tonight...

Mako: Oh.

Josh: Could we do it again?

Mako: You sure won't cry this time? Last time we did it, you were clearly trying your best. Sadly, it's just not good enough for me.

Josh: Please! I only want you!

Mako: Only me? Don't you have other people to do it with you?

Josh: They're not as good as you! I want you!

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