Chapter 3

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The bar I work in was the quietest place I could think of in Polarity. Sadly, I still wasn't the right age to drink yet even though I already knew how to make a stellar dry martini. This bar was owned by the Gouldy's so it would make sense that I would work here too. I tend to go here a lot for the atmosphere too. Nobody goes here besides some older business men that just want an old fashioned before going home.

Wooden floors, stellar chandeliers on a high ceiling, harp music by the corner, and a custom mahogany bar to hold liquor. This place just silently screamed classy. The Resting Sheep was just the optimal place to do my editing work.

This is also the place I work part time in too, no surprise. I looked at the mirror to see myself in a stylish black and white female bartender outfit. Brushing my short bangs away, I couldn't help appreciate my simple charms allowing me to wear any outfit. Someday, I won't have to worry about wearing outfits like these.

After putting on the final touches, I headed out onto the empty bar along with the old bar keep. His gray hairs were already sticking out but I don't think he cared anymore. I've worked here for quite some time and I kind of just forgot his name because I keep calling him old man but I'm pretty sure it's Zeke. He was mostly in charge of the place while I was slacking off doing something else. Old man knew that there wasn't a lot of people going here anyway so he couldn't scold me about it.

Zeke: Just another peaceful night hmmm, Mako.

Mako: I hope so. I have lots of things to do by tonight. Also we might have a guest tonight.

Zeke: A guest? I would not have expected someone like you to have bring a friend over, Mako.

Mako: A friend? Hell no. That would mean that I would need company in my life. She's more of a co worker. I'm getting paid just to be with her.

Zeke: Please be honest with me that you're not in trouble. I'm concerned that you're being payed for company.

Mako: No, I'm sure of it.

Just like on cue, Mera opened the entrance with a bang! It scared Zeke that I could have sworn he grew a couple more gray hairs. Her eyes darted all over the place, sparkling wonder that only an innocent kid has. Mera didn't even bother changing before she came here even when I told her to! She just kept looking all over the place as if she had never been to a bar before. I just wanted to punch her so bad...

Mera: Wow! This place is a lot cooler than I thought! Why is it all the way up here though?

Zeke: Ah! Mistress Mera. It's been a while.

Mera: Who's this old man?

Zeke: Ouch...

Mako: And I thought I was the mean one. Anyway, since no one is here. I'll be taking my break.

Zeke: You just arrived though.

Mako: No one is going to be here anyway. And if you need help just tell me.

Zeke: The usual...

I leapt over the bar then towards the blue velvet chairs. Zeke just gave out another sigh as he returned to tending the bar. There's usually not much to do besides restock the ice, check if the liquor is filled on the hot tab, and make sure the garnishes are cut. Now it's time to deal with this girl.

We sat by the window showing the city of Polarity. The view was good for the first few times I've worked here but now it's pretty boring. However, Mera's face was plastered all over the glass. Part of me wanted to break the glass so she could fall off but that was illegal. Reaching over to my school bag, I dropped the multiple stacks of papers that sir Morris gave me to work with.

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