chapter two

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chapter tworadiation burns

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chapter two
radiation burns

"Pardon my sanity in a world insane."


Whenever she read, Vita lost track of time. She couldn't tell whether it were hours that passed or only a few minutes. The girl would abandon her world and find a new home in the pages of the book. Whether it was a novel, poetry, a short story or a novella, she didn't care. Even if what she was reading was only technical literature. Reality stopped as soon as she opened a book. Therefore, it was no wonder, when she read all through the night.

She drifted off into a dreamless sleep for an hour, before she picked up the book again. That night she finished two of the three books the President had given to her. And in the morning hours she was almost done with the third. Around her loud chatter had erupted. Only Vita and Clarke still sat alone in their beds, they spent their morning hours pillow fighting and playing cards.

But when, after days of quarantine, Miller entered the room, Vita's attention shifted to her surroundings. "How are you doing, little flower?" Miller gave her a kind smile, a smile Vita knew to return. The two of them were childhood best friends. Their parents both worked in the guard. Sadly, they grew apart as they grew older. With every year their paths diverged more, until they crossed paths again on earth.

"Well, I'm better now that you're here, Robin Hood." 'Flower' and 'Robin Hood' they had come up with these nicknames when they were five and kept them ever since. When they first met Vita pronounced her last name unclearly, resulting in Miller hearing 'flowers' instead of Flores. And Robin Hood was the only good thief Vita had ever heard of.

"Miller," Clarke spoke up from the top bunk. "I'm glad you're okay."

"Yeah, what it took three surgeries?" He turned to Maya, offering her a smile similar to the one he had directed at Vita before. Maya and him seemed to be well-acquainted too. The girl from the mountain slowly managed to find her way into the hearts of the hundred.

"I hear you're fitting right in," he said, this time to Clarke. Vita could only imagine the look Maya had received from the blonde, but it made the raven haired girl shift uncomfortably in her spot. She then went on giving Miller his medication and bag. Vita watched her walk away with Jasper, before another alarm broke loose.

After getting adjusted to the loud noise, the blonde walked over to Maya who was already being besieged by Clarke. "Maya, what is that? Did something bad happen?" Vita questioned the girl, hoping for the best, yet knowing that it wasn't what was to expect.

"That signal means a surface patrol is back, and someone needs medical attention. I have to go to quarantine," she explained, before taking off. Were they looking for her people? Did they find them? Were they alive?

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