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From the episode that gave us bearded Hotch:

From the episode that gave us bearded Hotch:

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'Ugh I hate this phone.' You say to Penelope as you sit behind her looking over her shoulder at the screen. You had dropped your phone whilst on a case a few weeks ago, and ever since the battery seemed to die faster and faster every day.

'Dead again?' Garcia asked over her shoulder as she brought up a picture of a young boy who could quite easily be Doyle's son. You can't change those baby blues.

'Yeh.' You answer through a sigh before you turn and head back to the conference room, saying goodbye to Garcia before you go to meet with the rest of the team.

— — —

Twenty minutes earlier:

'Hotchner.' Aaron answers the phone in his usual way as he walks out of the desert tent, his camouflaged khakis greatly contrasting with his black vest and sunglasses. The faint sound of gunfire and helicopters flying can be heard in the distance as he speaks.

'Hey- it's me. How's it going out there?' Morgan asks down the phone as he paces slightly back in a BAU office at Quantico.

'You know: long days; some territorial issues to work out- nothing surprising. How's everything there?'

'Hotch- we found Declan Doyle.' Morgan speaks down the phone as Penelope sits behind him, listening to his words.

'What?' Hotch speaks in surprise, the shock on his face evident through his tone down the phone.

'Listen- I knew that finding the kid was the only way I could find Doyle, Hotch. I know what you're thinking.' Morgan speaks, only to be interrupted by a worried sounding Hotch.

'Is Declan safe?' The first thing he would always think about would be the safety of a child. It's what made you fall in love with him, really.

'Yeh- he is for now. I've had surveillance at his house and his school for a few weeks.' Morgan makes eye contact with Garcia before turning away again as her bright eyes grow.

'Morgan I didn't authorise this.' Hotch speaks flatly.

'I know you didn't Hotch, but listen to me I think Doyle may have found Declan too.' Morgan sounds half worried, half relieved at the thought that he might finally have found the person who killed Emily.

'Alright I'm coming back.'

— — —

You stand between Rossi and Strauss watching Morgan interview Doyle, paying attention to any slight change in his body language that might show that he knew where his son was. There was nothing.

'What the hell is going on here?' Strauss speaks across you to Rossi who just looks at her for a second, worry evident in his dark eyes. 'What?' She says again.

'Nothing.' Dave replies before the both turn to look back into the interrogation room, all of your eyes trained on Doyle.

'Has Aaron landed yet?' Strauss asks as you avert your gaze to look at her in confusion, looking towards to Rossi as he answers her.

'He's on his way.' Rossi says.

'Aaron's coming home?' You ask almost shyly, unable to hide the hope in your voice. He'd been stationed abroad for two months now, and Skype just wasn't the same. Even if Jack didn't like his new beard, you couldn't deny that you did and couldn't wait to see what he'd feel like to kiss with it.

'Did he not tell you, kid?' Rossi says as he looks down at you.

'I tried to ring but you weren't picking up.' A familiar deep voice sounds from by the doorway, and it takes everything in you to remember to breathe. Slowly, you turn to face the door as your heart catches in your chest. Your face drops in shock for a second as you meet his eyes before you break into a Cheshire Cat grin, running towards him and wrapping both your arms and legs around him as he lifts you up.

You stay stood there for what feels like forever, both of you burying your heads into the other's shoulder with your eyes squeezed tightly shut. Strauss and Rossi were both staring at the two of you whilst Morgan continued to barrade Doyle in the background, but in that moment you simply didn't care. Pulling away slightly, Aaron lets your feet rest back on the ground but doesn't let go of his grip on your waist as you keep your arms wrapped around his shoulders. Meeting his eye line, you smile up at him with a content heart for the first time since he left. 'Hi.' You speak softly.

'Hi.' He laughs slightly in reply before connecting your lips in three soft kisses. They aren't deep or passionate or any of the things that promise of something more later on, but just enough to say 'I've missed you' without needing the words. You rest your forehead on his as you just smile at eachother for a second before kissing one last time in a singular, soft motion.

'Good to have you back.' Rossi speaks as he pats Aaron on the shoulder as he leaves the room, Strauss stating her agreement before following him out. Aaron briefly looks over his shoulder at Dave before turning his gaze back to you as you stand there, still wrapped in his strong arms.

'Did your phone die again?' He speaks so softly that you barely even hear him, just nodding in reply as he smiles down at you with a toothy grin. 'I'm so buying you a new phone.'

You break into a laugh as you run your fingers through his hair, moving them down to feel his beard. Taking a second to collect your thoughts, you ask the question you're scared to hear the answer to.

'How long are you back for?'

'I'm back for good.' He replies through a smirk before capturing your lips once again, but this time the kiss is full of passion and love. You breathe a bit lighter at his reply before melting into him, the feel of his stubble on your chin making you smile.

He was back for good.

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