Chapter 6: Free

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I nodded at Ryan in agreement and sat next to him on the couch.

“Forgive my stupid daughter” my Father said giving Ryan another drink. “I don’t know what’s going on with her.”

“It is quite alright” Ryan smirked “I got her to see things my way. She’s very obedient”

My father grunted “Madeline, you’re going to an exam tomorrow to skip the rest of high school. I know you’re smart enough at that stuff. You will not come back here, you will be gone by the end of the night. The wedding will take place in two months. All the paperwork is finished, you are now on your own and legal.”

I nodded, putting my trust in Ryan.

At least I’m free

“Go pack. Everything. I don’t want one reminder of you here. A truck should be here by now. Hire a couple of house staff and make sure they are here 24/7. I will give you until the end of tonight” he grumbled

I nodded and got up to go pack.  

“I’ll go with her” I heard Ryan say behind me, my father mumbled something incoherent. I stayed behind and waited for Ryan to catch up with me.

We ascended the stairs quickly and stepped inside my room. I let out a breath I’ve been holding and rubbed my aching jaw. I went to my closet and stood on my tiptoes and stretched for the suitcase on top. I hissed in pain.

My back…

Ryan was at my side immediately holding my waist, causing me to cry out in even more pain.

“What’s wrong?” he asked in panic

“My back” I wiggled out of his hold and held in my tears “My punishment”

  “What did he do?” he asked in anger

“He gave me my punishment for being late and talking back” I said quietly

“How?” he asked closing his eyes

“The whip. Don’t worry I’m fine, this isn’t the first time” I said looking down. He opened his eyes and his once silver-blue eyes were now pitch black “What’s wrong with your eyes?”

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he opened them again they were back to normal.

I’m probably just seeing things.

I went to get the suitcases again but Ryan stopped me and got them for me. We worked silently and quickly, putting all my belongings in suitcases and boxes. Ryan even took my bed apart and got some of the workers to get my desk, my bed, my dresser, and my nightstands. I called an agency to get some maids, gardeners, butlers, and cooks; they would be here in a couple minutes. I prepared the huge staff house that we had never used and made sure it was well stocked and clean.

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