Chapter 8

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I started to laugh, that big belly deep laugh that brings tears to your eyes and you roll on the floor. These guys sure know how to make a girl feel better.

“Thanks guys, you really cheered me up” I said wiping my eyes and sitting up

“We’re very serious Madeline” Ryan said, he was standing stiff and ridged

“You guys come on now stop playing around” I said sitting back on the stools and started on the delicious breakfast “So what did you give me? My back feels way better”  

“It was my blood Maddie!” Sevastian shouted causing me to shrink back from him. I saw his eyes soften and he slowly came towards me “Kitten, we are vampire and you are a goddess. Your mother disappeared eighteen years ago, she ran off with her mate to be happy and I guess give you a normal life. You are our leader since your mother is now gone, I know this is scary but we will help you through it. You have powers and I’m guessing that giving you my blood awakened your inner goddess. Look”

He took my hand and led me to the hallway mirror. I gasped at my reflection. My usually long black hair was even longer and looked healthier and fuller than before. My blue eyes were now a crystal blue with flecks of purple in them, my lips were now full and a lush natural pink. My skin was now a creamy white and I was no longer super skinny but had the curves of a woman. My breasts got bigger and so had my bum, even the scars were gone. My entire being seemed to be perfect and unreal.

“This is you” Sevastian said leaning down to my ear, I shook my head. This was a complete stranger “You are absolutely stunning, my love”

He touched my hand and I felt shocks and tingles go all over my body. It seemed like everything in my body was now pulling me towards him. I touched my face in disbelief, I looked like my mom. A burning sensation started to occur in my throat making me wince and grab your throat.

“Ryan go get a blood bag” Sevastian said quickly, I shook my head no in disgust “Kitten it will take the pain away, your vampire side was awakened meaning you need blood.”

Ryan was back in two seconds and handed me a blood bag with a straw in it. I cautiously took it and sucked the straw, a billion flavors bursts into my mouth. I felt a slight pinch in my mouth and latched my teeth into the bag, sucking it dry within seconds.

“I need answers Sevy” I said once I was done

“Sevy?” he questioned

“It’s adorable and I like it” I smiled. I heard Ryan laughing in the background.

“Anyway” Sevastian said loudly over Ryan’s laughs “I will tell you everything about our kind and introduce you to the entire race. This will be amazing”

“First things first” I say with a lot more confidence then I usually had “Why do I look different?”

“The vampire in you healed all of your scars and put you in the form you would be if your father hadn’t kept you from everything. This is the you, you were supposed to look like, healthy and vibrant.”

I touched my face as if I were unreal. This was unreal. “So let me get this straight, I’m a vampire goddess?”

Sevy nodded.

“Do I have really cool powers?”

“You can fly, teleport, control others, basically anything you want to do. Your gifts are uncountable and no one has seen all of the goddess’s gifts. You have the ability to heal yourself and others at an incredible rate, you can save and help so many” Sevy said in awe.


“Whoa is right little one” Ryan said, speaking up again.

“How long have you guys been alive?”  I asked curiously

“We’re dead sweetheart or at least undead” Ryan chuckled

“Four hundred and eighty-two years for me and Ryan is only three hundred and fifty-three years” Sevy said proudly

“So I’m mated to an old guy huh?”  I said making me and Ryan burst into laughter

Next thing I know, Ryan is dodging a fireball thrown from Sevy.

“Can you teach me??” I asked excitedly

Sevastian smiled and nodded “Close your eyes and think of a fireball growing in your hand”

I did what he said and felt warmth surround me. I opened my eyes and saw I had a beautiful blue fireball in my palm. I looked up at Sevastian proudly and saw him staring at me with awe.


“Normal fire users have normal fire but yours is blue. It’s amazing, you’re amazing”

My cheeks were on fire, I looked away and saw a smirking Ryan.

“Well, I’ll leave you lovebirds alone for now” Ryan said standing up “Use protection, I don’t want to be an uncle yet” he winked and then he was gone. A fireball went after him, I chuckled and tried to calm my flaming face.

“Come on, let me show you the grounds” Sevy smiled at me and stuck his hand out to me.

I took his hand and smiled as he led us out the back door. The grass was a beautiful emerald green, and the land seemed to go on and on for miles. There was a pool, a tennis court, a forest, and a big garden maze.

“I bought and fixed up the land myself” Sevy said proudly

“It’s beautiful” I said still gazing around

“It is” Sevy said, when I turned he was looking at me

“You’re really clique you know that?” I laughed while trying to cover my blush.

“You like it” he winked and I laughed

We spent the rest of the day laughing and exploring the grounds. We had a race through the maze to test out my new vampire speed, I won by a long shot. Sevastian is a really nice guy and I haven’t been this happy in a long time, I just hope it lasts.

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