Chapter 4

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*Brooke's POV*

When I woke up I had a terrible headache. I carefully climbed out of the bunk and walked to the front. Nobody was there. Confused I walked back into the bunk area and searched for Andy.

When I found his bunk I quietly opened the curtain. "Andy" I said shaking him a little. He mumbled something but didn't turn around. "Andy" I said a little louder and shook him more.

Finally he woke up and turned over. "Brooke? You okay?" He asked sitting up. I nodded "just have a headache.. do you have any aspirin?" I asked. He nodded and climbed out of his bunk and getting me an aspirin.

After I took the medicine I walked back to the bunk I was in before. "If you need anything else just let me know" Andy said and smiled at me before getting back in his bunk.

I laid in my bunk looking up at the ceiling, I still couldn't fall asleep. I rolled over on to my stomach and searched for my phone. When I found it I turned it on and was blinded by the bright light.

I turned my brightness off and went to check Twitter. Nothing really new has happened on it. 'oh well' I thought turning my phone back off and putting it back under my pillow.
"Yo Brooke, wake up" Alex said shaking me. "five more minutes" I mumbled. she chuckled then shook me again. "Come on, we gotta get ready. Were going with the boys to sound check" she said and walked off.

I pulled my phone out and checked the time. 'Oh wow, it's already 11:05' I thought. I sighed and climbed out of my bunk. I grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans, an Of Mice & Men tank top, my black vans and walked to the bathroom.

I changed into my clothes and put some makeup on and brushed my hair. When I finished I walked to the front of the bus and grabbed a cereal bar out of the cabinet. "It's about time your done" I heard CC say from the door. I gave him a glare then walked off the bus.

After sound check, the boys went somewhere while Alex and I went to side stage. A band I didn't know the name had just finished then Asking Alexandria came on. The first song they played was Run Free, and that's one of Alex and I's favorite songs.

Finally BVB came on and Andy and the rest of the boys would smile at us every once in a while. The crowd was huge and screaming the lyrics along with them it was amazing.When their set was finished Alex and I got sweaty hugs. "Ewww, you guys really to go take a shower" I said smiling a little. They all laughed and went to take showers.

Alex and I went back to the bus and waited for the guys to come back. "This is so fun Lex" I said smiling. "Yeah, it is. I never thought I would be in a tour bus, it's so cool" she said smiling. We talked until the guys came back then we played some Xbox game and went to bed.

I laid in my bunk with my headphones in listening to The Beatles. I was lip syncing the words to Ticket to Ride when I felt one side of the bed sink down.

I looked over to see Alex laying next to me. She pulled my right headphone out and put it in her ear. "I love this song" she said smiling and swaying. I quietly laughed at her and shook my head.

"Shoo let me sleep" I said motioning her to leave. "nah, I'm gonna sleep in here tonight so scoot" she said pushing me over to wall. I shook my head and rolled over on my side slowly drifting to sleep.

---------------------------------------------- when I woke up the next morning, I accidentally rolled over onto Alex. "what?" She mumbled and slowly opened her eyes. I started laughing and she pushed me out of the bunk. "ow, thanks lex" I said looking up to the bunk while Alex poked her head out of the curtains and laughed historically.

After we ate breakfast we decided to just sit around and watch movies until sound check. Ashley picked Oculus and CC made popcorn. We all down on the couch and the floor. half way through the movie Alex was practically sitting on me and I was practically sitting on Andy.

CC and Jinxx kept throwing popcorn ate each other and at Alex, Andy, Jake, and I. When the movie finished Alex and I just sat their while the boys got ready for sound check.

Alex and I soon got up and got ready after they left. When we finished we got off the bus and started walking. I kept hearing something but didn't look. Then I felt breath on the back of my neck. "guess who's back".

Will you save me? (Andy Beirsack)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang