Chapter 5

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Brooke's POV

My breath was stuck in my throat. I was scared for my life, thinking he somehow got out and came for me again.

I turned and looked at Alex, worry in our eyes. I slowly turned all the way around to be faced with someone I didn't expect.

"Chris!!!!" I squealed throwing my arms around his neck. "Brookie, it's been so long!" He smiled putting his arms around my waist. "Yeah, like 2 years now, yeah?" Chris is Alex and I childhood friend. "yeah uh I'm still here Chris" Alex said putting and hand on her hip.

Chris laughed and pulled her in for hug. "Yeah I know you are" he smirked and pulled away from her. "So how have my girls been?" He asked putting an arm around both our shoulders as we started walking again.

"Good, good" we laughed and smiled. After about 10 minutes of walking we made it to the studio. We walked through the doors and towards a medium sized room.

Since we couldn't go inside we stood in front of the big window and watched. Andy noticed us and smiled. After they finished i introduced Chris and we just hung out in the studio until set time.
After the show we went back to the bus. Seeing Chris again was great I haven't seen him in a few years. He gave us his Skype and new number so we could keep in touch. "Well I should get back to the apartment before my parents get mad" he said chuckling.

"It was nice meeting you" Jake said shaking his hand. The boys all chimed in agreeing and shook his hand. "It's great seeing you again" Alex said hugging him. "Yeah and don't go to far again" I said laughing and hugging him after Alex.

Chris walked off the bus and CC screamed 'Xbox Time'. We all laughed at him then I went and changed into my pj shorts and OM&M sweatshirt. When I walked back to the front Andy pulled me onto his lap.

"Hiii" he slurred a little. He must be drunk because he definitely smelt of alcohol. "How much have y'all had to drink?" I asked raising an eyebrow. They all held up their fingers but swung them around so couldn't tell. "aboutttt 6 or 7" Jinxx said and bursted out laughing. "I didn't drink any.... well I drank 1" Jake said.

Andy kept getting close to my face and wouldn't let me go. "Gimme kiss" he slurred making kissing noises. I shook my head and tried to get up. He tightened his grip on my waist and pulled me closer.

"Let me go please" I said trying to pry his hands on off me. he shook his head and smashed his lips on mine. I squirmed around trying to get away. It's not that I didn't want to kiss him, it's that he's drunk and doesn't mean it.

I broke away from him and jumped off his lap and ran to the bath room. I shut and locked the door and sat down in front of it. 'why' I thought to myself.

Will you save me? (Andy Beirsack)Where stories live. Discover now