Chapter 1

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Ok let's see how should I start this, well first of all let me introduce myself, my name is Gaia, yes I know it's a weird name but that's just how my parents named me I have brown curly hair, I am 16 years old and I don't have a home. Now it's not that I'm homeless or anything I have a house but because I moved around so much I never stayed in one place and always left houses so I never had just one place that I stayed long enough that I can call home. 

Now the thing is I have very bad anxiety and the fact that I moved so much didn't help I always tried making friends and it was always so hard so I just stopped making friends I would always leave anyways so now I just keep my head down and try my best to not get into any drama or talk to. Since I am 16 my parents are pushing me to get a job but why should I? We are just going to move anyways. But I decided to get one anyway I still wanted to make them proud and happy as much as I despised my parents.

As I was walking to my job interview I saw a strange man leaning on the wall and smoking a cig he had tattoos on his neck and really pretty black hair. I already knew he was trouble but he was pretty hot, I just ignored him and walked into the cafe where I had the job interview.
As I walked in I noticed he followed me in he sat at the corner table next to a window. I walked to the old lady at the counter "Hello my name is Gaia I'm here for my job interview." I said. "Hello dear my name is Mary I'll be doing your job interview go take a seat hun and I'll be right with you". she said. I sat down at one of the tables and waited.

After a couple of minutes she sat down and we started talking I liked her she was very sweet.  As I was talking to her I noticed the guy kept staring at me so I asked the lady if she knew him and she said that it was her grandson I was very surprised because they looked nothing alike and the old lady was very sweet but he didn't look like the sweet type.

But my parents always told me to never judge a book by its cover so I'm not going to assume anything before I get to know him.

After the interview Mary said that she really liked me and she liked the fact that I traveled a lot so she gave me the job I was super excited. She asked me if I have time to start learning today and I happily said yes!After she explained some things to me I immediately started to catch on it was pretty easy after Mary went to the back to bake some muffins.

Mary's grandson came up to me and asked me for a black coffee. I asked for his name to write on the cup he said his name was Angus "wow what a unique name" I told him.
I gave him his coffee and he went back to his table after an hour or so Mary told me that I could go home and to come back on Sunday at 3 I smiled and went back home.

                  End of chapter 1

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