Chapter 4

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Hey guys I just wanted to say sorry for the bad grammar I know it's not the best but I'm trying my hardest. Anyways hope you enjoy my story<3

It was Sunday morning I got ready for school, while I was waiting for the school bus I saw Angus walking out of the house in front of mine. We both locked eyes and stared at each other while maintaining eye contact for a couple of seconds until the school bus came. I walked on and sat at the back of the bus I looked behind me and saw Angus driving behind us with his black car. Turns out we go to the same school.

I was walking into school and saw a lot of people staring at me, but I didn't mind them, I told myself to keep my head down and stay away from drama. Right as I reached the lockers a fight broke out I saw thru the crowd that it was Luka and some other guy. I rolled my eyes and continued to go to the office. As I was waiting for the principal Luka walked in with blood running from his lip he came and sat next to me.

I looked away and asked him if he was ok, "fine" he said. I offered him some tissue to clean his blood. Thx he said. "Ye don't get used to this" I said to him. After that encounter, he started getting closer to me but I kept pushing him away, I don't want to make any friends or in this case, get in any trouble.

While I was waiting for the bus to go home someone grabbed my hand and started pulling me I looked up and it was Luka. "Let me go" I told him but he wouldn't listen, " get in "he said as we got to his car. " No ",  I walked away but he grabbed my waist and put me in his car. Ugh, he's so annoying. I didn't talk with him the entire ride.

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