The day before

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A month before~

It was the day after I completed the trial, it was tough but I made it through and so did 4 other participants. I had just woken up from a nap, the trial really was exhausting after all, so to regain my energy i took a nap. I still had time so I thought that would be the best thing to do in the main time. I was in the hall where the harbingers meet up. La Signora told me that I could stay here for a while, at that time I didn't think much of it but now that I have fully restored my energy I think I might have an advantage somehow. Why would La Signora give me permission to stay in such an important room? I decided to get up and leave the room when I suddenly hear footsteps behind me. I quickly turn myself to where the footsteps were coming from.

"Finally, I thought you'd never wake up." I see a pretty short man with very pretty clothes, I assume those are traditional. I calm myself after I notice its Scaramouche, the 6th of the 11 fatui harbingers. "I have some things to discuss with you." Scaramouche went over to a table with 12 seats. "Come here and take a seat." I walk over to him and take a seat across from him.

"The person that gets chosen as the 12 harbinger is going to accompany me on a mission in Liyue." I was a little surprised since I didn't know about this yet. "As you know," Scaramouche continued. "The harbingers are going to have to choose one of the remaining participants. "Yes, I'm aware." I speak up. "Oh so you do talk?" Scaramouche had a teasing grin on his face. "Ah, right sorry." Scaramouche ignored me and continued. "I wanted to talk to you since the harbingers have already decided who we're going to choose." They chose already? Does that mean I have been chosen? Or is he just here to tell me I'm not.. After all I was the only one who didn't slay enough monsters.

"Im here to tell you that you have been chosen." My eyes widened. "What? But why? I was the only one who didn't slay enough monsters.." A smirk curled on Scaramouche's face. "Its because you're cute."

A very awkward silences spread through the room as I stare at Scaramouche in disbelief. This is the Scaramouche everyone dislikes? This is the Scaramouche everyone's afraid of? Scaramouche started laughing. Probably because he expected me to become al flushed so he could say: "Its amusing to see you flustered." Or something like that. "I'm just kidding." He said. "Heh.." I admit the situation was pretty funny.

"No, the reason why everyone agreed of choosing you is because your skills are quite impressive. The fact you slew so many monsters using the right strategy and thinking straight is required quality. For the spy test, you discovered a secret that might be the most useful in the future as well." At a situation like this I should stay neutral but a wide smile curled on my face. I would've never thought the harbingers would be so impressed by someone like me. Honestly though,  I'm just a normal person.

"Thank you so much!" I said out of enthusiasm. "Whatever, as long as you do your work well. I have faith in you Y/N." Scaramouche stood up and walked over to me. He gave me a hand and I accepted it. He pulled me out of the chair in some sort of embrace. I felt his hot breath near my ear as he whispered: "But if you even think about betraying the fatui or the Tsaritsa I will not hesitate to kill you." 

I was quite shocked at his words and so I pushed him away. 

"I would never betray the fatui. I swear it on everything I love."

Scaramouche smirks. "You better." Scaramouche walks towards the door. "The official selection will be in 2 hours, make sure you're on time." Scaramouche opens the door and looks at me one more time. I think I felt a spark, I am sure we would get along well. Scaramouche turns around and closes the door. I sigh. "What now?" I walk towards the couch I slept on and sat down. Just as I sat down I saw a white flash and suddenly everything went black.

'Superconduct' - Scaramouche x reader [Genshin impact]Where stories live. Discover now