The consultant of the Funeral Parlor

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Scaramouche slightly pushed me away. I had still no idea what was happening as he held my chin. He looked at me, almost in a lovely way. His eyes then went down to my lips, he closed his eyes and then pulled away. He walked towards the chair he sat on earlier. "What did you find out?" He said, totally ignoring what just happened. I figured I shouldn't go on about it right now. "I have the name of every vision holder in Liyue, including what type of vision." I walk towards the desk and put the papers on it. Scaramouche also walks toward the desk to check them out. "The only geo vision holders in Liyue are, Ningguang, Zhongli and Yunjin." I say. "Rex lapis has always been portrayed as a man, its most likely for him to take on the form of a man too." Scaramouche looked at me. "Its Zhongli." He speaks up. I nod. "Thats what I suspect, although to be sure I need to have a word with him."

"Alright," Scaramouche says blandly. "Then, I'm going to change once again and ask people on the street if they know someone named Zhongli." Scaramouche didn't say anything anymore so I just walked away, I didn't want to push him. This time I put on pretty normal clothes, this is what I'll be wearing when being disguised as a traveler. I walk outside and I see someone that could possibly tell me where to find Zhongli.

"Excuse me," I walk towards the blue-haired boy. "Hm?" He turns away from his book. "Ah sorry, I have a short question." The boy looked at me with his friendly eyes. "Don't worry about it miss. How can I help you?" I smiled kindly. "My name is f/n, I'm looking for a man called 'Zhongli'. I was told he knows a lot about ores." The boys looked away and then looked at me again. "Ah yes mister Zhongli, my name is Xingqiu by the way." He put out his hand for me to shake. I shook his hand still waiting for his answer "Nice to meet you, Xingqiu." He smiled at me. "Mister Zhongli works at the Funeral Parlor. You might find him there." Xingqiu answered my question. I thanked him and we said goodbye.

I walked towards the funeral parlor. Outside was standing a girl with brown hair in pigtails. She was petting two cats. "I told you guys not to come with me.." She said. She notices me and stands up. "Hi there! Are you here to talk business? I can certainly help you! Well, if it is about death of course hehe." She said. That's an odd way of greeting someone. "Ah well,"
"Oh I'm sorry that i wasn't very polite of me! I'm Hu tao, the 77th director of the Wangsheng funeral parlor, I could make you some tea as we talk about it, sound good?" This girl is very, enthusiastic for the industry she's in. "Oh no, I think you misunderstood. I'm just here to ask if you know where mister Zhongli is. I was told you might know." Hu tao's expression changed.

 "mister Zhongli? Why would you look for someone as boring as him?" She asked. "Boring?" Well yeah, if mister Zhongli actually is Rex Lapis he must be like a grandpa disguised as a young man. "Yeah! All he ever talks about is the history of liyue, and when I make a joke he just sighs and ignores me! So boring." I giggle, "I'm an adventurer, I need some information on the ores found in Liyue and I was told he knows a lot about them." I tell her. She questionly looks at me with her hand on her chin. "I didn't know Zhongli liked rocks, not suprised though! as boring as he is.." I already like this girl, she's pretty funny. "Hehe.. anyway, do you have any idea where he could be?" I ask her again. Hu tao smiles. "I don't know a lot about him but Zhongli often listens to the storyteller in Liyue." 

"Right, thanks a lot! I'll be off to the storyteller then, see you around." I thanked her and went on my way to the storyteller. Of course I had to ask someone again, since I'm not familiar with Liyue harbor. I considered talking to Scaramouche first but I didn't feel like it. I arrive at the storyteller as I remember I didn't ask what Zhongli looks like. Luckily. I could see a man with a geo vision, that must be him. I put on a smile and take place at the table I was sitting at. "Hello" I say with a smile. He greets me with a smile. "Hello there young lady," He looks at me. "Hm, I suspect that you're a traveler, correct?"

"That's right! I'm a traveler from Fontaine." I say, not mentioning I'm from Snezhnaya to avoid suspicion. "Ah, Fontaine," Zhongli says. "A beautiful nation indeed." I nod. "Fontaine is very pretty but I'm really impressed by Liyue's landscape honestly." Zhongli takes a sip of his tea. "I have always been really interested in Liyue's culture. The landscape is beautiful and tales are very interesting." Zhongli looks away. "I agree with you." He says. "I always pay a visit to the storyteller in my free time, stories really amuse me." I look at him. This might actually be the geo archon. "You seem to know a lot about Liyue, don't you?" I ask him.

"I suppose." He answers. It went silent for a while, we just started listening to the story teller. After a few minutes passed zhongli made up his mind. "If you'd like," Zhongli begins as I turn my head towards him. "We could meet up for a drink while I tell you some tales about Liyue." This was my chance to get to know him better. "I would love that, thank you." I said with a smile. "Lets meet up tomorrow at 1 pm, if you're okay with that" I continued. Zhongli nods. "That will work." He told me. "Awesome!" I exclaimed, "I will look forward to it, mister Zhongli." He gives me a warm smile. "Please, call me Zhongli." I smile, "Alright, thank you Zhongli. Have a great night!" I told him goodbye and left the storyteller.

I figured I should probably return to Scaramouche now since I don't really have any other choice. Hopefully, it won't be awkward. I walk back to the northland bank yet again and walk back into the room again. To my surprise Scaramouche wasn't there, it was Tartaglia. "Tartaglia?" What would he be doing here?

~Just after y/n left to look for Zhongli~

-Scaramouche's perspective-
A loud 'thud' roamed through the room. "Dammit." Why would you do that?! I said to myself.

 "Did something happen, Scaramouche?"

I know that voice too well. "What the hell are you doing here, Childe?" I say with my back still facing him. "Oh I just wanted to see how the mission is going, really." He said.


"What do you really want?" I speak up.
Childe leans on the doorway. "I just happened to witness what just happened between you and y/n." I look at him. "So you were spying on us?" Childe begins to laugh, "Oh no, really it was all coincidental." 

Right, he definitely was spying on us. "What just happened between you sure is interesting. Especially since were talking about, well, you." Childe laughs. Anger was already boiling up inside me. Where did he even get the idea to spy on us and  to point it out. "I almost get the idea," Childe continued. "You like y/n."

Thats it.

"Leave." I say. "Oh so you admit it?"
He has the audacity to continue? "I said, leave. Before I kill you, right here, right now." Childe didn't seemed to be impressed by my words. "Oh hoho, we shouldn't get aggressive now should we?" This guy. "You like them, I know you do. You've never acted this soft before."

"I am not soft." 

I speak, but he's right. I am acting soft. Why am I acting like this? This isn't like me. "Whatever you say." Childe says with a smirk. "I'm going now, before someone actually gets hurt." Childe says as he walks away and closes the door.

Sorry for the delay lol, this part isn't very long but I promise next one will be longer bae's

'Superconduct' - Scaramouche x reader [Genshin impact]Where stories live. Discover now