Playing with rocks

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AN: Okay firstly I wanna say that I haven't been motivated to update this story, sorry about that. I also can't promise if I'll be writing more, but I think I will. I just don't have a concrete idea on how to continue this story. Secondly, since all the harbingers were revealed my lyney and lynette theory isnt very actual anymore, butttttt i really dont feel like changing it so just pretend theres 13 fatui harbingers + you lol.

I woke up because of an opening door, before I could think I was already sitting up. I sigh as I notice it's just Scaramouche opening the door ready to leave. He turns around, "About time you woke up."

Hold on...

"What time is it..?"


I sigh, "Just tell me, please."

"1 pm."


I quickly stand up and grab my bag with disguises. "damn it damn it damn it."
I was supposed to meet up with Zhongli at 1...

I quickly change into my disguise and get ready, then I leave as fast as possible without even telling Scaramouche goodbye. I felt a little bad because I'm certain hes going to make a remark about it later.

I ran towards the place we were supposed to meet. Zhongli was already there, of course. No surprise here, he's definitely the type of person to be 15 minutes early.

"Hello, Mister Zhongli! I'm really sorry I'm late, my roommate was supposed to wake me up but he forgot." I lied, it was my responsibility after all. "Please forgive me for being so stubborn."

Zhongli looks at me with a faint smile. "You need not worry, y/n. It can happen to anyone." He tells me. "And please, call me Zhongli."

I sighed out of relief and bowed. "Thank you, you're right, Zhongli." Zhongli nodded in agreement and I sat down. "So," He began. "What would you like to drink? I could recommend you some tea if you'd like of course." I smiled at him, gotta act cute. "Yes, great idea! I love tea and I'm very curious about your recommendation."

And so we talked, he told me about Liyue, a lot.

That man knows EVERYTHING about ANYTHING regarding Liyue.

Of course, I acted like I was very interested and asked him all sorts of questions about his stories to prevent suspicion. Inside, I was dying of boredom, but at least now I'm almost certain that Mister Zhongli, consultant of the Wangsheng funeral parlor, is indeed the 'dead' Geo archon.

"Ah, look at the time," Zhongli mentioned. "My apologies y/n, I have an appointment with my boss, Hu Tao."

"Oh right, Hu Tao! I met her the other day."
Zhongli smiles, "Ah yes, she told me you were looking for me before. She didn't.. Do anything, peculiar, did she?"

"Hm? Oh, no she was really kind actually, though she did call you boring like, 3 times in a row.."

Zhongli softly chuckles, "Of course she has, I'm glad she didn't accidentally scare you off, is all."

"Scare me off?"

"You see," Zhongli continues
"Hu Tao has a really, lets say, outstanding personality. She is often misunderstood by people and labeled as 'weird'."

"Ah." I answer blandly. "Don't worry, I've had my fair share of.. misunderstandings, in my life. I feel like I'd understand her very well."

"Is that so?" Zhongli asks with a slightly concerned undertone. "Would you.. like to talk about it?"

"Oh um," That kinda caught me off guard. "No, thank you though."

"That's understandable, I respect it."


Definitely saw that awkward silence coming.

"Anyway," I break the silence. "I think you should go, you were talking about a meeting with your boss, no?"

"Oh yes, youre right," Zhongli stands up.
"I will be taking my leave, may we meet again, y/n."

"Take care Zhongli, I couldn't thank you enough for your time."

"The pleasure is all mine." Zhongli says while walking away.

I sigh, it's finally over.

It's 3 pm, we have been talking, or rather Zhongli has been talking for 2 hours straight..
Definitely worth it though, because now I am 100% sure that this man that looks like a mere mortal, is actually the geo archon.

Who would've thought that with a little knowledge and some logical thinking it was so easy to figure out the geo archons identity?

What should I do now? I'm not sure if i feel like stopping by the northland bank this early, maybe I'll walk around Liyue Harbor for a bit..

I decided that that was a good idea, after all I didn't know what else to do and I'm also not sure if i want to see Scaramouche right now.

As I was walking down the harbor I noticed a tall shadow behind me, it didn't take me long to guess who it was.

I turn around

"Hi, Childe. Is there something you need?"

"Hi there y/n!" Childe smiles. "Nothing in particular, I just noticed you were walking all on your own."

"Oh right, I just finished my mission and I didn't want to head for the northland bank right away." I tell childe, who was still smiling innocently as always.

"Fair enough! I also wouldn't wanna go back to that douche. I honestly don't know how you manage to stay in one place with that guy for so long."

To be fair, everyone always says Scaramouche is heartless and horrible to his employees not to mention his harbinger colleagues. But so far I haven't really been noticing that. Sure he's been hard on me a few times but most of the time he's actually, sweet?

"That's not the reason.."

"Oh but it is though," Childe's smile turned into a smirk. "Don't lie now, y/n. You know Scaramouche is no good."

"Is that so?" A voice behind Childe spoke.

"That's definitely ironic coming from your mouth."

Scaramouche's voice to be exact.

Childe turned around,

"I told you to stop messing with us, Childe."

"Haha! You didn't think I was really going to follow your orders now did you?" Childe laughs.

Scaramouche was clearly getting upset, what is going on between these two? What is all this tension?

"Know your place, moron. You're far below me, you're the 11th harbinger for a reason, and I will not hesitate to fight you."

"Fight me? Oh but lord Scaramouche, I am always in for a fight!" Childe said cheerfully.

Scaramouche sighs. "You're even more stupid than I thought."

I was just standing there watching these two fatui harbingers fight over what seemed to be, absolutely nothing.

Since they were way too busy with trying to prove their right, I silently sneaked off and went back to the Northland bank. Given Scaramouche isn't there right now, I thought it would be a good idea to write down my discoveries.

'Superconduct' - Scaramouche x reader [Genshin impact]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora