The evening

510 20 11

Im aware yall probably hate my but I'm just so unmotivated I'm sooooorry

After Childe left I look over to Scaramouche who had just turned on the lights. Scaramouche is hard to read but I could see he was somewhat bothered by what just happened.

"y/n." Scaramouche walks up to me. "There is only one bedroom so we both have to sleep in the same room, don't worry, I'll sleep on the floor."
"Ah, you do have something to lay on right? Like a mattress?"
I don't want Scaramouche to have back pains the next day. If it's really needed we can share the bed.

"Yes, I have a mattress to lay on."
That was a relief.
We walk up the stairs and Scaramouche leads me to the room we will be staying in. The room was like the other one we were in before except there was a bed instead of a desk. Next to the bed was the mattress Scaramouche talked about. It did look comfortable so I didn't worry to much about it.

I walked to the bed and sat on it, it was very soft. I took off the shoes and vest I was wearing. I gazed over to Scaramouche who had taken off his hat and put it on the little drawer in the room. He sat on his mattress and also took off unnecessary clothes and accessories. I'v seen him without his hat earlier today of course but it was still something you don't see everyday. Except for today then,,,,

"Hah, what?"  Scaramouche laughed, I suddenly became aware of the fact I'd been staring at him. " Ah sorry, it's just that I've never seen you without your hat before." Scaramouche sighs. "Oh, of course." He looked, disapointed?

I sigh. "How is your matrass? Is it okay to lay on?" I change the subject.
"It's okay for now." Scaramouche looks at the wall.
"Alright then, but if you're gonna be grumpy in the morning I wont mind to switch."

"Haha, thanks for the offer but I'm a little offended you think I'm that soft."

"You never know.." I mumble. "Anyway, lets try to get some rest, today was quite weird."

Scaramouche sighs "Not that I need rest, but sure."
I stood up and walked towards the candle, I could feel Scaramouche's eyes in my back watching me blow out the candle. Not that it really bothered me or anything. 

I lay back down on my bed and turn to scaramouche's side. It was a little funny how I could look down on him since he's the one looking down on me most of the time.
"Goodnight." I say with a small smile.
"Sleep tight." He responds.

I stare at the ceiling, it always takes me about an hour before I'm able to fall asleep. Even when I'm tired. I glance over to Scaramouche, he was also staring at the ceiling. He noticed me, but as fast as our eyes met I was already looking away hoping he wont mention it. A few seconds pass and Scaramouche doesn't seem to let out any words. I close my eyes in relief.

after about 20 minutes I was still awake. Not surprised though, but I still hoped a miracle would occur. I wonder if Scaramouche is a person who falls asleep really fast or also takes his time before he falls asleep as well. Out of curiosity I glance over to him again. His eyes are closed but I'm not sure wether he's asleep or not.
At that moment Scaramouche's eyes open and immediately glance over to me. I turn to the other side before I could even think and pray to the tsaritsa that Scaramouche isn't going to mention this, but given this is the second time it happens I doubt it.

"You were staring at me for a pretty long time." I hear Scaramouche say. My heart starts beating faster and louder.

"I'd say it was at least 10 minutes."

10 minutes? I've been staring at him for 10 minutes?

I guess I lost all sense of time, I even forgot why I was staring at him in the first place.

"But you didn't even open your eyes once, how did you know?" I stumble. "I can sense whenever someone is watching me." Scaramouche replies.


"Lets just not mention this ever and go to sleep." I say. "hah, sure." Scaramouche simply relpies. I let out a sigh and go to sleep.


Yeah, nevermind. I've been laying here for how long now? An hour? 2 hours?

I'm going to lose it, why can't i just fall asleep? I let out a deep sigh and I open my eyes. I look at Scaramouche to see if he's asleep. He's facing the other way so I don't think he's awake, but thats what I thought last time.. Lets not give it too much thought

This is going to be a very long night.


The story continues on the next page

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