Chapter 1

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Leahs POV

I swear my father is so annoying, such a fucking hoe. Always bringing some fuckin girl around, talkin bout some "this your new step-mom" and leave them the next day.

Speaking of the devil I hear them in the room next door, nasty asses might got some STD's. I get up from my bed and go to the kitchen to get some water. I get in front of the refrigerator and get some water, when I got finished and started to make my way to my room, the girl my dad was screwing was in my way so I spilled some water on her white shirt making it see through.

"Maybe watch where your going next time" I smiled and kept walking. I made it to my room and got on my bed continuing my FaceTime with Lexi.

"Third hoe I ran into this week" I said and she started to laugh since she knew what I was talking about. "I feel bad for you, yet I don't care" she said in a bitchy tone. "That's why Rodrico left you" I said with a bitchy smile while she rolled her eyes at me.

We continued to talk on FaceTime all night until we fell asleep since it was Saturday. I woke up this morning to loud banging and stuff falling, so I got up and made my way to the kitchen seeing the girl from last night in the middle of the kitchen trying to make breakfast. "Maybe being a hooker is the better choice" I said and went to the fridge getting a yogurt then walked to one of the draws to get a spoon and made my way back to my room.

I was still on FaceTime with Lexi so I hung up because this bitch was still sleeping. I finished my yogurt and got on Netflix. I put on a random show and watched it till it was 1 so I could eat lunch.

I then went into the kitchen again and got some fruit roll ups and put two hot pockets in the microwave. While that happened I went on top of the counter. A couple moments later my dad walked in from work since he gets out early on Sunday's with a fresh suit.

"Hey princess" he greeted.


"I'm going out tonight so no need to wait up for me"

"Like usual? I already know" I said with attitude

"Don't start" he said walking away with his briefcase to his bedroom. "Yea ok" I muttered and the microwaved finally beeped. I got the hot pockets out and let them cool down while I went on my phone. Once it cooled down enough I ate them and threw the card board pieces away and washed my plate and made my way to my room.... again

Couple hours later.....

It is like 11 right now and I heart dad's car pull in with a different girl, who indeed is gorgeous. They walked in but the weren't eating each other faces yet they were actually talking but that changed right when they hit the couch. Ewww, I started to gag thinking about my dad naked. I went to my bed and continued the show I was watching earlier until I fell asleep.

I wake up in the middle of the night and felt this powerful thirst, I needed water badly. I got up and went to the kitchen and turned on the light then quickly got water. Once I filled my cup up and started to jug it, I heard a voice, "be careful baby, don't choke". It wasn't my father so I put my cup down and turned around to meet the girl from earlier. She smiled at me with these tired eyes, after sex hair and a big shirt with nothing underneath. "Hi, I'm Jennifer" she sweetly holding her hand out. "Don't care" I said and walked pasted her without shaking her hand. "Oh" she muttered taken back. I got to my room and quickly went back to sleep since I have school tomorrow.

"beep beep beep" I woke up to my alarm. I got dressed in some sweatpants and a baggy shirt and made my way to the kitchen to get breakfast. when I walked in the kitchen all I saw was prepared breakfast on the table with Jennifer facing the counter sipping her coffee. when she noticed I was here she smiled and said, "Good Morning baby, I made breakfast for you as a nice gesture. I just want you know I'm not a hoe or any-" I cut her off. "Save that speech for someone else." I said and went to the cabinet to get a mug, then I poured some coffee into the mug and drank it. "well, are you hungry?" she asked nicely with a smile and I shook my head. Her faced slowly went into a frown.

Dad's New GirlfriendWhere stories live. Discover now