Chapter 3

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Leah's POV

The next morning I woke up the next day with major cramps. "ugh" I groaned while getting up going to the bathroom. I went to the toilet pulled my pants down and went pee. I looked down about to grab the toilet paper and saw blood on my underwear. "WHYYY!!" I yelled noticing I just got my period. This explains my bad cramps. I always have bad camps on my period and I never do nothing on it. I went to the sink and checked the medicine cabinet for Midol to eases my cramps. When I checked the box there was none there. "Today can't possibly get worse" I muttered and went to my bed to sleep it off.

15 minutes later I'm still looking at the ceiling feeling every once of pain. I closed my eyes in pain, knowing I need help from the person I despise the most. "Jennifer!" I semi-yelled, I moved to my side and closed my eyes hard while doing so. "Jennifer, please come here!" I yelled. A couple moments later she opened the door. "Yes baby" she said looking at me sincerely. "Do you have Midol?" I asked shakily, she pouted her lip and came closer to my bed. "No mama I don't I'm sorry." I sighed and looked down. "I can go to the store real quick if you want" she said kneeing to my level since I'm on the bed. "Yes please" she smiled and caressed my cheek. "Ok" she whispered and got up leaving. I curled in a ball and held my stomach, This is so painful.

10 minutes later I heard footsteps. Jennifer then came shortly after with a cup of water with a plastic bag with Midol in it. She kneeled in front of me and put both of them on the nightstand next to the bed and looked at me. "You ok baby?" she asked caressing my cheek, I shook my head no. She pouted and pushed my hair behind my ear. "You want me to help you up?" she asked standing up getting the pill ready, I nodded and she came closer. She pulled my covers a little down and reached over me having me get a sniff of her perfume, God she smelled good. Then she put her hand under my knee and the other under my shoulders, she lifted me up making me have my back on my headboard. "There you go mama" she said while getting the pill with the cup and handed it to me. I drunk the pill and gave it back to her. "Want anything else baby?" I shook my head but she insisted. "Are you sure? I could make you some soup" I felt so cared for so I nodded, she smiled and walked away.

Since I was already sitting up I turned on my tv and started to watch any show that came up first. An episode in Jennifer came in with a tray. she place it on top of me and there was soup with bread and water. She was about to walk out but I had a feeling to stop her and I did. "Jennifer?" she turned around and raised her eyebrows as a gesture of 'what'. "Can you stay with me?" she looked down and back up with a smile and climbed on the bed next to me but still leaving space.

About an hour later I finally finished my food and Jennifer grabbed it and put in the kitchen, I was still waiting for her to come back and she still hadn't came so I started to worry she wasn't going to come back. "Jennifer?" I called out with a shaky voice, then she walked back in. "I'm right here baby" she said and I sighed in relief. I tend to be very emotional on my period then ever. I become an absolute softy when I'm on my period. That's why I'm being nice to Jennifer and becoming attached.

Jennifer got on the bed and continued watching tv, I looked at her and realized she has cared a lot for me, she did a lot of things for me and I'm over here acting like a bitch to her. I wet closer to her and laid on her stomach sideways. A moment later I felt her put her hand on my head and started to softly scratch my head over and over, it felt so good I put the rest of my body next to her and tangled my legs with hers. "You're so adorable" she whispered.

I woke up from sharp pains in my lower stomach. I fluttered my eyes and went to look up and I see that I'm Laying on Jennifer's ass, Her freaking huge ass. I lift myself up a little and see that Jennifer is laying on her stomach holding a pillow. I put my hand on her thigh and shook her since my stomach was hurting again. She stayed asleep and just moved a little. So I shook her harder. "Mmmmm let me sleep" she moaned sleepily while gripping the pillow tighter. "Jennifer can you please get me another pill?" I aske and shook her again. "Mmm five more minutes" she said, I rolled my eyes and tried to sit up.

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