8- Together

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--Sydney's POV--

"So has the Siall ship sailed yet?" Louis asked at the hotel.

"Seriously? You gave us a ship name? A horrible one at that?" I asked, trying to hide my blush. He tutted.

"You have very difficult names to work with, cut me some slack. And you didn't answer the question." He commented.

"There's been nothing spoken," I said finally. "But I think he does like me." Louis seemed to find that hilarious, as he was practically on the floor laughing.

"Like you? Sydney he literally couldn't keep his hands OR eyes off you. He's completely smitten," Louis said once he could breathe. I blushed.

"You think so?" I asked softly. He just rolled his eyes dramatically at me and pulled up Instagram on his phone, showing me the picture of Niall and I that he'd taken. Niall only had one arm around me at the time, but we were standing tightly together, both leaning in so our foreheads were almost touching. I didn't realize we were that close at the time. We hadn't turned to face him at the time, but had both just slightly started blushing.

"Oh," I said, blushing bright red. Even in the picture Niall had this crazy intense and caring look in his eyes.

"There's more, don't worry," Louis said, snickering at my reaction. He had a picture of literally every time we changed position. It was almost creepy, but still adorable. The caption on the last one, though, made me smack him.

"'They would have the cutest kids together.'" I read. "Are you kidding me, Louis? Niall follows you!" I said, blushing horribly. I've blushed more in these ten minutes than I ever have I think.

"Good maybe I'll give him some ideas," he said, earning him another smack on the arm. There was a knock on the door to our room. "Ten pounds says its Niall," Louis said grinning. I just rolled my eyes, getting up to answer the door. Niall, naturally.

"Hey," he said, smiling brightly at me. "I'm going for a quick walk, I was wondering if you'd want to join?" He offered, biting his lips. I could practically feel Louis shoving me out the door even though he didn't move.

"I'd love to," I said, smiling, and stepping into the hall with him. We walked, chatting quietly around the courtyard, until he pulled me down to a bench.

"It's a lovely night," he said, rubbing his thumb softly over the back of my hand.

"Yeah it is. A lovely place too," I responded, laying against his shoulder.

"That's not why I brought you out here, though," he admitted. I didn't say anything, just looked up on him questioningly. "I'm not that great with words, but you mean a lot to me, Sydney, and I really like you," he mumbled. "W-will you go out with me?" He asked, blushing brightly. I smiled, blushing as well.

"Of course," I said, and he looked at me, shocked, then smiled brightly, pulling up against his chest and kissing me firmly. I froze for a moment, then slowly kissed him back. He pulled back, grinning, just to kiss me again, lightly tugging on my bottom lip with his teeth. Of course, right then my phone rang, and I pulled away to check who it was. Louis, of course. Niall frowned a bit at my phone, and I just pecked his cheek answering.

"Yes Louis?" I asked, cuddling into Niall's chest.

"You're out with Niall! Why did you answer?" He asked angrily.

"You already interrupted so I figured I might as well. Why did you call me to yell at me for answering?" I asked, and Niall chuckled in my other ear.

"Oh, right. You and Harry really need to switch back." He gasped, then covered the speaker but I could here him mumbling at someone to stop something. I wrinkled my nose.

"I think I'm gonna hang up before I hear something I can't un-hear. Bye." I said, hanging up quickly. Niall looked at me curiously. "I'm almost positive Louis and Harry are getting busy in our room so we're gonna go back to yours, if that's okay," I said. He grimaced.

"Definitely. I really don't need to see my best friends like that." I laughed, and he kissed my neck softly. "I really like your laugh," he mumbled, keeping his arms wrapped around my waist.

"I like yours," I said teasingly, and twisted to kiss his cheek. He just smiled.

"C'mon, let's go back in. It may be beautiful out here but this bench has nothing on memory foam," he said, smiling. I grinned up at him.

"Carry me?"

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