Minho: Dont leave me

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Me and the Gladers were stood at the doors waiting for my boyfriend, Minho. Thomas had come back, but not Minho.

He always came back. He always does. Then heard the sound I wished to never hear, the doors closing. Rushes of whispers flooded my ears. The whispers became normal talking to shouts.

Tears formed in my eyes as the door completely slammed shut. The Glade has never been so silent. Boys gave me apologetic looks as I sat down and cried my heart out.

1 hour later

I was sat next to the doors leaning against the walls. Newt walked over and handed me a plate of food
"I'm not hungry" I said, pushing the plate away.
"Well, I'm not gonna let you bloody starve yourself" Newt sassed, pushing the plate back
"5 mouthfulls. And I'll leave it alone" he continued.

I took 5 mouthfulls of food and looked at him
"Yeah....you need a hug" tears flooded out again as Newt pulled me into his chest.

"What do you think happened?" I sniffled
"I don't know....but, Minho was a tough cookie, it must have been something strong to take him down"
"Yeah" I chuckled, "You can go back to the others, im gonna stay here"

Eventually it got more late and glades started heading to bed. So Did Newt. I layed down and looked up at the sky. Tears screamed down my cheeks.
"Love you, Minho" I said, before closing my eyes.

In the morning.

"Come on! Wake up! It's the grand entrance of the best glades here! Your boyfriend" I was definitely dreaming Minho was on top of me saying that
"C'mon, baby! I'm right here! Open those pretty eyes!"

My eyes opened and I saw Minho above me, all bruised.
"That's it! Hi!" He smiled. I frowned. I was definitely dreaming.

I rubbed my eyes and looked at him again. He was still there. I held his bicep, realizing he was actually there.

My eyes welled with tears as I ran my hands through his hair. I pulled him into a kiss a smiled.
"I like that way of greeting me, can we continue this in our hut?"
"Your definitely back" I chuckled before pulling him into another kiss

"Never leave me like that again"
"I won't, baby, I promise"

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