1| A perfect place to live

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Clarke looked around in astonishment; tall, green trees standing with strength, houses that looked like something from fairytales, spots of colour draped from branch to branch.

"How could you never have talked about this place?"

"Polis was my home Clarke, but yes it's quite beautiful. A perfect place to live"

"Almost too perfect..."

The couple make there way to the centre of Shallow Valley until they found a startling discovery, a small child resting on a porch. Still enough to be sleeping but too quiet to be alive. Clarke crouched down to take a closer look as if her presence could bring about life as it did with death. She placed her hand over his head, taking it all in. She looked up at Lexa who was standing right beside her, their eyes met in understanding; they were truely the only ones who survived.
Lexa then moves her attention away opening the door in front of them, Clarke follows behind. Lexa then stumbles back into wanheda's arms before Clarke even had a chance to look up, but when she did bodies upon bodies were layed out in front of them. Like dolls in a play house; There were people at the table surrounded by food, children who seemed to have played in the corner, and pets that would have been part of the family. All that was missing was life. It wasn't the primfya wave that killed them, it was the radiation.
Clarke recognised the look she had only seen once before, the day they found Heda's massacred army. The pain of seeing them dead... she took it as though she had failed in the most significant part of being a commander; to keep her people alive. The truth is, she did fail.
Refusing anymore comfort from Clarke, she ran out of the house and into the woods leaving wanheda alone. Clarke, being the only person in the universe to understand this type of pain, started to clear the bodies from the village, burning them so that the trace that anyone had ever existed, was nothing but ash to fly away in the wind.


The sun had set; now Louwada Kliron Kru was nothing more than a bunch of houses in a valley and memories held onto by that last two people to walk the earth. Clarke found Lexa hiding up in a large weeping willow tree, she climbed up and sat beside her.

"When you were in space, what did you think the ground was like?" Clarke could hear the sadness lingering in Lexa's voice,


"And then you landed and I did everything to kill you"


"What am I supposed to do now? Everything I trained for, everything I was taught... what was even the point?
I am a commander with no one to command... I'm nothing" Clarke looks at Lexa, placing her hand on her cheek.

"You are Heda of 13 Clans, who sacrificed her body to save her people from Allie and the one who found the bunker that is keeping the rest of your people alive. The point is that you worked so hard your entire life that the universe is giving you a break. 6 years lexa, 6 years until you can resume your role as Heda... but for now it time to rest. Now you can be Lexa Kom Trikru"

Lexa sunk her face into Clarke hand. They knew they would be just fine together. They looked up into the night sky: stars twinkling over them, the breeze playing in the leaves and water running down the valley. They found their safe haven.

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