6| So thats the real story

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"What did you do?" Octavia called out from next to Clarke.
"I gave Costia to Azgeda"
"You gave a 16 year old kid to be brutally murdered?" Lincoln questioned,
"Who's Costia" asked Octavia,

 "I gave Costia to Azgeda" "You gave a 16 year old kid to be brutally murdered?" Lincoln questioned,"Who's Costia" asked Octavia,

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"She was Lexa's first love" Indra responded,
"Please, it was puppy love. Love that makes you weak"
"How dare you!" Yelled Indra as she made her way over to place a blade at Titus throat, "do you even know how the coalition began? It was merely an idea that Lexa AND Costia dreamt of as they played under their pillow forts made from blankets and cushions pulled off from Lexa's bed. Flamekeppas always say that love makes you weak but Heda was always ruthless, it was you who made her heartless"
"Forgive me" Titus began as he realised that he had let Heda down in more ways than one,
"You failed your only job and for that, death is the punishment"


"What do we do know?" Octavia asks,
"Indra, these people won't listen to us without a commander" Bellamy added,
"There is to be a conclave" Indra began,
"With who? There's no nightbloods"
"A commander is one that can fight to protect their people, one from each clan will be presented and the osleya will be Heda" she continued.
"And what? They decide who lives and dies? Who gets to live in the bunker? Skaikru won't have a chance" Bellamy refused,
"Wow great confidence you have in me" Octavia rolled her eyes,
"If you think for one damn second that your entering that con-"
"She doesn't have a choice" Indra interrupted, "she's the only fighter you have"
"What about Lincoln?" Bellamy suggested,
"Lincoln is trikru, no matter where he's been sleeping lately"
"Put the flame in me" Clarke interrupted out of no where, "I'm a nightblood now too"
"It will melt your brain Clarke, you weren't born a night blood" Bellamy inhered,
"Neither was Becca Praimheda"
"It's too big of a risk" Bellamy fought,
"So what it's not too big of a risk to kill my girlfriend but it is with me?"
"No, the clans wouldn't even go for this and even if they did, the people they send in have been fighting from birth. Sorry O, but I'm not letting you die if there's another way"
"Why do none of you think I can win?" Octavia says sarcastically, earning a hit at the back of the head from Indra,
"Arrogance is equally as bad as faithlessness"

Suddenly, a burst through the doors captured their attention. A young girl in a hood walked in
"You will not take the flame" she announced,

 A young girl in a hood walked in"You will not take the flame" she announced,

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"And who are you?" Asked Murphy
"Gaia. Hello mother" she says looking at Indra,
"Mother?" Octavia questions
"Is it your turn to be flamekeppa already?" She says in a banter type fashion,
"I'm here to collect Lexa's body and the Flame"
"Hell no" Clarke says as she moves to blockade Gaia from her lover.
"Clarke, you know she isn't safe here. Once the news of what has happened in this tower gets out. Everyone will come for Lexa... unless she's dead"
"Well she's not"
"Appearances are everything" Octavia said in a whisper, it then calls out "appearances are everything! We just have to make it look like she's dead, tell everyone, have a proper conclave"
"Not the conclave again" bellamy says beginning to get annoyed
"All do with respect bellamy, but as the person who trained Octavia and the entire grounder army. Your sister is smart and should not be undermined"

 Your sister is smart and should not be undermined"

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~back to modern day~

"So that's the real story?" Madi asked,
"It's the only part we missed out. Everything else goes on as usual: Clarke climbed the tower to light up the ring, her friends rocket out of earth, Octavia wins the conclave and 100 from each Clan goes into the bunker" Lexa concludes
"But everyone thinks you're dead and no one knows that you put the flame in your head"
"Cool! We're a family of commander!"
"Not cool Madi" Clarke bursts her bubble "everything we did undermines their traditions. They could turn on Octavia, us, everyone we love"
"I think they'll be too blinded by the fact that their commander is still alive. They should worship you like a god"
"Well we hope that's that case for now, but your not taking the flame unless I die" lexa responds,
"Either way Madi, do you understand why we are going to tell everyone that you're not a true natblida?"
"Yes" she responds draggingly "to protect our family"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2021 ⏰

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