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"Stupid rain." Something said in the forest. 

"I thought that Mudwings liked the mud and rain." Another voice teased. 

"Stop it," The first voice snapped. Out of the rainforest, a big Mudwing stepped out. After the Mudwing an Icewing skipped out. The Icewing kept on skipping in the mud. In minutes the Icewing's silver scales were covered in mud.

"Stop Iceberg, it's like you want to be caught," Growled the Mudwing.

"Calm down Cattail, I know what I'm doing," Iceberg said cheerfully. Cattail mumbled something.  The two dragons walked on. Then, Iceberg growled lowly.

"What is it?" Cattail asked annoyed. He looked forward and saw that there were two Nightwings in the forest. it was a young dragonet and his mother. They were arguing.  Cattail caught a few words. Then the Nightwings stopped. There was a splashing of mud. It was a patrol.

He turned and saw that Iceberg had already faded into the shadow. He followed his mate into the shadows of the forest. It was two Mudwings. Cattail's face fell. he knew these guards. They were his friends in fact. If they ever knew what he had done. If they knew that Iceberg was his mate. Mudwings didn't do mates.

"But I love him," He told himself firmly.

"What did you say?" Iceberg asked. Cattail smiled. Iceberg was the most, not Icewing he had ever met. He was always happy and cheerful. He always found happiness in everything.

"Nothing," He whispered back. Iceberg just shrugged. 

"Look," Iceberg said in a low tone. He was pointing at something. Cattail looked at were his talon was poitning. 

"I don't see anything," He replied. 

"I'll show you when the guards leave." 

After what seamed like hours the guards and Nightwings left. 

"I wonder what the Nightwings were doing." Cattail whispered. Iceberg did not hear him. He was walking in the mud towards a stone. 

"Look!" He said excitedly. 

"Sorry to burst your bubble but that is just a stone. Nothing inportant," Cattail told his mate. Then his mouth fell open. Iceberg was wiping the mud off of an egg. It was a beautiful deep blue. There were swirls of teal and light blue all over the egg. It was a Seawing egg. 

"Why is it here?" He said out loud. 

"I don't know. But can we please keep it Cattail? Please?" Iceberg asked. Cattail looked at his wanting and exciting eyes. 

"Fine, but-" He was cut of by a squeal of joy from Iceberg. 

"You will have to help take care if this dragonet. " Cattail said sternly. There was a happy twinkle in his mate's eyes. The egg started to move. It was glowing silver now. 

"Come on, It is going to hatch soon. We need to get back to the cave," Cattail told Iceberg. 

"Okay," Iceberg picked up the egg gently and started to walk home. When they got to the cave the egg started to crack. Then a beautiful light pink and blue female dragonet crawled out of the egg, eyes shining. 

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