Chapter 1

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Swish, swish, swish.  

A pale blue dragon tail was swishing back and forth. It moved the leaves around it.

Swish, swish, swish.

"Stop it Bleuet," A deep voice said. 

"Stop what Cattail?" Bleuet asked innocently batting her eyelashes.  Cattail just snorted. Bleuet started to swish her tail again. Then she started to hum. 

"Will you stop humming that song? I wish Iceberg didn't teach you that," Cattail sighed. Bleuet smiled. Cattail and Iceberg were really diffrenet, but they loved each other a lot. She saw a beautiful bird in the distance. It was one of those macaws, the ones that Queen Glory loved! 

"I should go and catch it for her,"  She thought. Bleuet stood up and shook all of the leaves off of herself.  She lifted her wings. They were beautiful is what everybody told her. They were a stormy grayish blue color with bright spots of silver on them. She was always told that they looked like moons. Iceberg thought that since she hatched under the moons that was why she had the "moons" are her wings. All other Seawings hatched underwater not under the moons. 

"Where are you going?" Cattail asked her. 

"I found a macaw that Queen Glory would like," Bleuet told her father. 


A little smile crept on his face. 2 years ago when Queen Glory challenged the other queens for the throne Bleuet had supported Glory all the way. Now Bleuet was getting training from Deathbringer so that she could guard the queen just like him. 

Bleuet smiled as she felt the air under her wings. Her wings were way bigger than the Rainwings but she was still one of the best tree gliders. As she came up to a tree branch Bleuet curled her tail around the branch and swung down to the ground but just before she hit the ground, opened up her wings and flew back up to the sky. 

The dragonets on the ground clapped like crazy. 

"Show off," One of the dragonet's watchers said. But she was smiling at Bleuet. 

After chasing the macaw forever Bleuet lost it. She went over to the waterfall to go for a swim. The currents were gental that day. She sat in the little lake and let the water go into her scales. Bleuet remebered the day that she first learned to swim. It had been a bright a warm day. Iceberg had told her that all Seawings knew how to swim. He taught her because Icewings learned how to swim aswell. So that they could hunt whales and orcas. Soon she became a great swimmer. Bleuet loved to play in the water all of the time. Iceberg and Cattail promised that one day they would take her to the Kingdom of the Sea one day. 

"I think that I should look for some stones. Iceberg needs some more." Bleuet thought. 

  She looked down and saw beautiful stones. Bleuet spent a while picking up the stones. Iceberg liked to collect stones and then he turned them into necklaces and they sold them at the Possibility. His necklaces were always amazing. 

Bleuet got out of the water and sat in the sun. She heard a rustle in the trees. Then when she looked up there was a bright purple dragon. 

"Raindrop, if you want to be steathy you should not be bright purple." Bleuet sighed. The bright Rainwing flew down to sit with her friend. 

"Starseer will be here soon. I was racing with her and won," Raindrop said. Bleuet smiled. Her two est freinds Starseer and Raindrop with both a little crazy but they were the best freinds anyone could have. A flap of black wings and Starseer was with them, sitting in the sun. 

"I won Starseer!" Raindrop said happily. She looked very smug. 

"You cheated! I would have won if it was a fair race," Starseer looked annoyed but her eyes twinkled with joy. Bleuet shook her head. Those two were always fighting. But they were still best friends. Raindrop closed her eyes and let the sun bath over her. 

"What are you doing Bleuet?" Starseer asked her. 

"I'm collecting stones for Iceberg," She replied to her friend. 

"Mint was looking for you a while ago Bleuet," Raindrop said, eyes closed. Bleuet smiled Mint, her little brother, was a 2 year old young and adventurous Rainwing. 

"He said something about a gift and feathers," Starseer said. Bleuet turned her head on the side. She wondered what Mint wanted her for.  Then in a second Raindrop's head snapped up.

"Starseer, Bleuet! There is a guest coming to see Queen Glory!" Raindrop said excitedly her scales turning a faded pink, showing happeness. 

"You know who sent them, and what they are coming for?!" Bleuet explained excited. 

"He is a Seawing coming from the courts of Queen Coral. Imagenie that! A Seawing from the courts of Queen Coral coming to the rainforest," Raindrop had a dreaming look in her eyes. 

"What will he be coming for?" Starseer asked, Bleuet noticed when the Rainwing had become dreamy, thinking about the Seawing Starseer a look of jealousy in her eyes. 

"Nobody knows, thats the mystery! Bleuet!" Raindrop said fast looking at her freind.

"What Raindrop?" 

"What if he know about a Seawing couple that lost a egg 11 years ago! If he is in the royal court he should know those kinds of things!" 

"Well how old is he? He might be a young dragon that does not know about that," Starseer stated. 

"Fifteen," Raindrop replied. 

"How did you learn all of this Raindrop? Did you spy on Glory?" Bleuet asked her freind. 

"Queen Glory told me. She wanted me to know so I could show him around," Raindop smugly said. When she said, show him around, Starseer's face twisted in rage and jealousy. Starseer's talons curled around a stone, and crushed it.  Bleuet started to giggle. 

"Whats so funny," Starseer growled. Bleuet thought fast to make up a lie.

"I was think that we could prank Deathbringer," She said fast. Starseer raised her eyebrow. 

"What were you think?" Raindrop asked, eyes wide. Bleuet told them her plan.  They were going sneak up behind him, and Bleuet was going to hum a Icewing song, and they were going to "plan" Queen Glorys murder. Starseer and Raindrop were giggleing. 

"He will have a mini heartattak," Starseer squealed. 

"Well, lets go!" Bleuet said cheerfully. In a flap of wings, the three dragons flew away. 

Authors Note:

I hope that you are enjoying Slayer so far! I a working on it very hard. 

What do you think about the charccters so far? 

What do you think Deathbringer will do? 

And what do you think this dragon from, Queen Corals, court? Do you have any ideas how it is? 

We will get a lot of Cattail and Iceberg moments. Don't worry. I love my little boys. 

Do you think this Seawing will know about Bleuets parents? 

Thanks for reading this book! Well, I have to go finish the cover for this book so, bye!


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