Chapter 7

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As they flew, Bleuet thought about the family she had waiting in the Seawing kingdom. She had a mother that loved her. A brother. Possible grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins!

"But I have a family here. In the Rainforest. Mint, Iceberg, Cattail, Starseer, and Raindrop. They are my family. It may not be blood, but, they are still family," Bleuet thought. She sighed. Just because she was related in blood to Aqua did not mean that they were family. For all 11 years of her life, Cattail, Iceberg, and her had been a family. Then, two years ago, Mint became part of the family as well.

She had always considered Starseer and Raindrop as part of her family. They were that close to her. She trusted them with her secrets. They trusted her. Bleuet loved her family in the Rainforest. But would she say the same for the Seawings in the ocean? Would they accept her knowing that she had been raised differently than them?

"Would they be fine with Cattail and Iceberg's relationship?" Bleuet started to think worriedly. Some of the dragons did not like that Cattail and Iceberg were two males that lived together, and liked each other romantically. Starseer's parents did not like her spending time with "weird" dragons like them. They were convinced that Bleuet and Mint were "weirdos" just like the dragons who raised them.

Bleuet thought that this was all a crazy idea. Cattail and Iceberg loved each other. Nothing should stop them from being together. Iceberg had had everything in life a dragon could want. He was loved and trusted by the royal family. He had almost everything that he wanted at his talon tips.

All of Cattai's siblings were dead. Nobody knew that he loved the enemy. He was all alone.

"They were meant for each other," Bleuet thought firmly. She was interrupted from her thoughts suddenly.

"Prryhia to Bleuet. Are you there?" Starseer asked, waving a talon in fount of Bleuet's face. She looked annoyed. Mint was looking at his sister strangely.

"What?" Bleuet asked, looking at the two dragons in fount of her, wondering what she missed. Starseer sighed. Mint giggled his cute high-pitch giggle.

"I was just telling everyone, at least I thought everyone, a plan to get in the palace. The first art Bleuet is to make your scales go the normal color again. You kinda look like an Icewing. Without all of the spikes and muscle os course," Starseer said. Bleuet looked horrified at her friend.

"What do you mean I have no muscle! I have plenty of muscle. If anyone is laking here, it's you Starseer!" Bleuet explained. Starseer gasped dramatically. Mint gasped dramatically as well. He also giggled a little.

"Well, well, well. What did you just say?" Starseer asked. She was trying to sound threatening, but it did not really work. She was laughing a lot as well. Mint looked like he was rolling in laughter.

"I said!" Bleuet started in a loud voice. "That you have no muscle," She said this part very quickly. It added a lot of drama. Mint looked like he was holding back laughter. So did Starseer.

"I have PLENTY of muscle. How DARE you say that I am not STRONG!" The Nightwing puffed herself up, in an attempt, to make herself look bigger. She giggled a little bit. Mint was trying not to fall out of the air now. He was laughing so hard that he was rocking back and forth. Bleuet, trying her best to hold back laughter, started to talk again.

"Well, you never work out! And because of that, you, always lose the races you and Raindrop have!"


"I said, that you always lose to Raindrop because you never work out!"

"How DARE YOU say that I NEVER work OUT!" Starseer said loudly and dramatically. She put her paw to her head, and leaned back a bit.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2021 ⏰

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