omg they were roomates

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"uhm y/n i kinda gotta go somewhere and do something ." finn interrupted their movie night.

"alright, have fun." y/n turned to look at him as he walked off.

finn walked to his room and grabbed a backpack, stuffing his suit inside. y/n and finn were roomates. finn was always going off and doing things y/n didn't know about, but so did y/n.

finn rushed out the window going to see his friends. before finn got there, he had to change into his suit, which made him a whole new person. finn got to his friends, all of them together making 3.

"alright, you guys got what you need to do." the leader of their group, mind flayer, checked.

"yeah yeah we rain havoc on the town until the heroes get here. it isnt exactly rocket science." finn or 'blade' replied for him and the other member, fireboy. they were a group of villians trying to get what they want cause of some deal they made.

there was mind flayer, he had the power to bend shadows to his ability and he could fly, well, all of them could fly. next there was fireboy, he had the power to conjure fire from his hands. and last, but most certainly not least, there was blade, he had swords that he could also control with his mind.

and so, after a short conversation, they started trouble.

y/n was watching a movie when she got a call. she picked up her phone and put it to her ear.

"im gonna guess that theyre back." she said, clearly knowing what was happening.

"yep. theyre downtown." her friend replied popping the 'p'.

"ill be right there." she swiftly hung up her phone, rushing to her room. she grabbed her suit and put it on. y/n immediately rushed to the sight where her team was hiding.

"so im guessing we all know what we're doing." her team leader said knowing they obviously knew.

"yeah." y/n and her other teamamate spoke.

"alright, lets roll." the leader said as y/n began to roll across the street.

"i didnt mean literally y/n, get up."

there was the team leader, calpurnia, she really likes shakespeare and has the power to multiply until she drains energy. next, there was hit girl, she was really good with guns and physical combat. last but not least there was y/n, or, kick-ass, she could turn invisible until her energy is drained. did i mention that they all fly?

"well look what the cat dragged in." blade cocked his head to the side with a slight chuckle, leaving a smirk in his face as her team approached them. they landed on the floor right across from blades team group thingy.

"what is this, a disney channel original? only old people say that grandpa." kick-ass looked down smiling but only for her mask to be covering it.

"ok listen bitch, lets just get this done and over with." he got into a fighting stance, ready to take on whatever came for him. they always gought in specific groups. mind flayer and calpurnia, fireboy and hitgirl, blade and kick-ass.

and so the mayhem began.

blade had kick-ass pinned to the ground, holding her by her neck as the blood from her face seeped into the mask. his hand was shaking as she was struggling to breathe.

"c'mon blade, we could finnaly see who it is we're trying to get rid of!" fireboy yelled out to blade as he looked between the girl and fireboy.

calpurnia and hitgirl were trapped in a cage away from the girl, screaming and crying for them to let her go.

he got the confidence and put his shaking hand at end of her mask. his delicate fingers gently pulled the mask off her face completely. although her face was bloody, bruised and cut, he could still tell who it was.

"y-y/n?" he stared in disbelif as if his mind was deceiving him. tears were streaming down his face by now. he saw the girl he likes and his roommate. he let go of the girls neck letting her breath get steady again.

"how do you know my name?" the girl croaked out, scaredd of what he would say.

he started to lift his shaky hands up to pull his mask off, soon it was fully off and she could see his face more clearly now.

"finn?" by now the girl was also crying at the sight of the boy she likes and her roommate.

they both couldn't belive it. the supposed enemy turning out to be a bestfriend. he pulled the frail girl off the asphalt and brought her up to his chest. they wrapped their arms around each other tightly as if somebody just died.

fireboy and mind flayer started walking towards finn, he pointed two of his swords at them as they started to back away. they were both crying i each others arms.

"i never wanted to hurt you. i never wanted to do any of this. i just wanted to be with you. but they didnt let me." finn whispered into her hair as his tears fell in her hair as well. they finally pulled away, noticing everybody was gone.

"who is 'they' finn?" y/n questioned, taking a look at his face which was tear stained wih a look of fear as he thought about 'them'. oh how they brought him utter disgust.

"they're the ones who make me do this shit. i dont want to y/n. i never wanted to." he silently cried as y/n brought his head to her chest.

"im done with your shit and im done with you." finn and y/n told theyre friends how the others weren't bad and how they were trying to help. now, they were at they're hideout.

"fine then, leave. just know wolfhard, bad things are gonna happen." the boss or former boss said. finn and y/n walked out of the building hand in hand.

finn and y/n were finally together, forever.


did i cry making my own imagine, yeah i did and what about it.

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