Chapter 1: Open Doors

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"Wait! Can you hold that?" I shout, breathing heavily as I sprint to the closing elevator doors.  While I begin to lose hope of catching it in time, a limber leg juts out and stops the forward motion.  Thanks to this action, the doors retract and allow me to pass.

"Thank you," I comment gratefully, entering the elevator with my black backpack slung over my shoulder.  Once I assume my spot against the back wall of the small compartment, I turn my gaze to my considerate savior today.

His piercing green eyes lock onto mine instantly.  His brown curly hair is swept back and his hands are buried deep in his tan jacket pockets.  He looks at me with a sort of shyness and yet obvious intrigue as he can't seem to fully glance away.  My heart starts to beat frantically as we continue to study each other in silence.

I should probably say something...

"H-hi," I start, nervous all of a sudden at our close proximity in this traveling box.  "I'm Carlie.  I just moved in two weeks ago."

The strangely beautiful man presents a small, faint smile as he responds to my introduction.  "Hi, I-I'm Arthur," he begins softly.  "It's nice to meet you."  He removes his right hand from his pocket and stretches it out towards me.

I reach over and shake his proffered hand.  A warm current passes through me as my skin touches his.  "Nice to meet you, too," I answer, grinning back at him, trying to dismiss the unfamiliar feeling. "Thanks again for holding the door for me. That was really kind of you."

"No problem," he smiles, releasing my hand.  Strangely enough, I miss the comforting warmth of his touch immediately.

"Have you lived here long?" I inquire, referring to the dilapidated building we both reside in.

"For my whole life," he admits. "It's not the best, but it's home."  He shrugs, hands back in his pockets again.

"Yeah, it sure beats living out there nowadays," I agree, gesturing to the grungy outside world with the roll of my eyes. 

"I just moved to the city," I continue, wanting to keep the conversation flowing for some reason.  It's probably due to my lack of good interactions lately, or the fact that I find him oddly attractive.  I've only just met him, but he's definitely different from any of the other residents that I've come into contact with so far.  And that makes me all the more curious about him.  "I'm attending Gotham U this semester."

The elevator dings, arriving at the eighth floor, which happens to be his stop, too.  As it ceases upward movement, the metal doors slide open. 

"Well, I guess I'll see you around, Arthur," I tell him, reluctantly stepping out of the enclosed, worn-out contraption.

"Yeah," he responds quietly.  His lips slightly quirk up while his eyes follow my departure.  As I walk down the hall toward my apartment door, I hear his husky voice call out to me.


I turn around and wait for him to speak again.  He approaches me, taking long, lean strides to catch up to where I stand.

"Maybe... maybe we could... hang out some other time, you know, when you're not busy with school," he fumbles anxiously.  His nervous behavior somehow only makes him more endearing to me.

Arthur's bashful look returns as he waits patiently for my answer.

I smile shyly at him. "Yeah. I'd like that very much."

Arthur blinks several times before an excited grin emerges. "You would?"

I nod happily, pleased to see his gradual elation.

"Th-that's great, um..." He glances back down the dim hallway, to where I assume his apartment resides, before turning back to me. "S-See you some other time, then," he repeats, briefly waving and retreating, almost tripping over his own two feet as he goes.

"I hope so," I whisper, more to myself than to him.  Unexpectedly blushing, I spin back around and enter my new home, feeling more optimistic in this dreary city than ever before.

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