Chapter 3: Happily Tethered

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The next time I unexpectedly run into Arthur is at Helms Pharmacy on Tuesday night.  After working another long, agonizing shift at Lucky's diner, I decide to stop there on my way home to buy a few necessary toiletries written on my to-do list for the day.

Coming around the aisle to take my place in line, I soon find myself standing behind a familiar figure, wearing his signature tan jacket, his beautiful chocolate brown curls thoroughly tousled from the harsh wind outside.  I overhear his exchange with the pharmacist and learn that he's there to obtain his usual prescribed medications.

Before he has the chance to turn around, I decide to make my presence known by gingerly tapping him on the shoulder.

"Hey, stranger."

He immediately jumps at my touch and whips around, dropping his paper bag full of meds onto the soiled floor.

I reach down and grab it for him, offering it back into his hands.  He cautiously takes it from me.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you," I say apologetically.

"No, no, that's okay–

Arthur abruptly breaks off from what he was saying and begins to laugh.  Repeatedly.  And he doesn't show any signs of stopping.  It keeps building and building until he mutters, "S-sorry," in between his hysterical fits.

He quickly dashes out the front door, covering his mouth with his hand, trying to suppress the relentless raucous guffaws.  Too late to react, I helplessly watch him scamper away, saddened to see him so embarrassed.  The laughter seemed almost uncontrollable, something he couldn't contain which led him to flee in shame.

I quickly pay for my items at the register and then dart outside, but soon realize I've missed my chance.  He's nowhere in sight on either side of these grimy streets. I sigh in frustration and feel the sliver of a tear stream down my face, but I promptly wipe it away.

Don't worry about it now, I console myself.  I'll find him later. 

When all hope seems to have dissipated and I fear that I'll never catch another glimpse of the alluring, taciturn man again today, my desires are fortunately achieved.  Making my way to the bus stop, I begrudgingly climb aboard as it pulls up to the trash-covered curb.  While looking for a seat, my eyes instantly find his face in the vast sea of Gotham citizens.

And, due to my newfound good luck on this particular night, he is sitting all alone, giving me the perfect opportunity to be seated beside him for the entire ride home.  Automatically, a bright smile forms on my face.  I walk towards him as he stares blankly out the fogged-up window.

"Is this seat taken?" I ask as I approach his bench.

His green eyes widen in surprise at the sound of my voice as he lifts his head and meets my relieved gaze.

He looks at a loss for words, so I take the initiative and plop down next to him, our shoulders brushing due to our new cramped position.  Somehow, it's comforting to be this close to him. 

"So, um, are you okay? You bailed out of there so fast. Did I scare you that badly?" I tease, trying to make light of our previous encounter.  Maybe I can even get him to open up about what happened just a short while ago.

He stares down at his hands in his lap, his leg rapidly bouncing up and down.

"No, it's um..." He lets a few chuckles escape and tries to smother them once again with his palms.

"Hey," I reach over and place my hand on his back, trying to soothe him with circular motions.  I can tell he's ashamed of whatever's going on with him. "It's alright, Arthur."

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