Déjà vu

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Okay so this is the déjà vu episode from 3below this might be a short chapter but I try my best

Jim's point of view

It's only been a couple of days of By the desk football of trolls and when we found out that Aaarrrgghh is it dying because of the poison. Well I said couple of days for me it's been I think roughly around two months hold on I'm getting ahead of myself

so basically two month ago well technically yesterday, me and the gang were chasing a trickster troll Who unfortunately got away somehow but he soon showed up later And a big epic fight happened between me and the team trying to defeat the trickster unfortunately every time we backed him into a corner the day reset and I the only one with a memory of it. I've been through the same day God knows how many times I lost track after 30 or fourth time no matter what I do the trickster always gets away and resets the day I've tried telling the team about it but even when they believe me which is rare we still fail and I don't understand why I am the only one to remember it.

Okay that's been my day or couple of months and how's your day coming along can't be much worse than reliving the same moment over and over again.

Walking to the where the trickster is going to attack, I haven't really done anything different in this timeline mainly because I'm running out of ideas I've tried having a place close down I've tried to cancel the event that is taking place but nothing is working

I just need some time to think I'm so tired, my tiredness causes me to bump into someone I think it's the new transfer student what was her name... Aja I think

I apologise for bumping into her: sorry I'm just a little tired today your name... Aja right The new transfer student

Aja introduces herself: yes I am it is very lively to meet you

Lively that's a new one but it is better than Toby is awesome sauce, and as if on cue the trickster returns Toby does his battlecry with his shovel that he borrowed from his Nan and the day is going to be said in 3. 2 wait what

Aja goes charging in to battle against the trickster with what appears to be a sword made of light blue emanating light. She tries her best but the action is futile as the day once again resets

I wake back in my bed as if nothing happened the day before like nothing happened well technically nothing did all my God I hate time logic. But there is good news with this recent time loop I now know well I've got more questions and answers aja had a weapon of some kind maybe she can help me I should go meet her at the same place again


I'm walking to the new transfer student wait a minute she seems more tense than the last time could it be that she remembers, I tapped her on the shoulder and immediately she brings her blue blade inches from my face I fall back on myself

I beg: please don't kill me

Aja look at me confused: wait you remember like I do why is this happening and why does it keep happening

I answer her question with another question: look I don't have that much time to explain but can you tell me who you are really

Claire nudges through me and aja with an unhappy look at me I think she thinks I'm trying to chat her up: Jim this really isn't the time to make new friends

And like it was the other countless times before the chaos soon starts but this time I have a plan but I need aja to tell me who she is

As Claire and the others are locked in battle I am speaking to the new transfer student: okay I know we don't know each other but right now we are the only two people that remember that the day keeps repeating itself so I need you to trust me who are you really because I definitely know that you're not just some transfer student

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