Eternal night of the apocalypse (short)

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Hi everyone sorry for the short chapter and this is not mean that I'm coming straight back to writing but I just had a spark of inspiration for the eternal night well my version of it anyway I think you can tell by the title

Narrators point of View

Troll market

The gum gum is head gathered up all the magical artefacts in the market and placed them in the centre of the heroes Forge where their king and young prince waited for the pile to be built up until there was a small mountain of random artefacts in the centre of the arena

Bular look through the items: father what do you think of the demigods need with all this magical artefacts there are some that are even cursed here

Gunmar: I do not know son but I do you know that the demigods have been right about everything ever since I left the dark land I do not doubt what they are planning

The demigod appeared from above both of them had smiles on their faces as they both said in unison: very good skull crusher

Skull crusher looked his Partners in World domination and smiled as with them: we gathered up all the magic we could find in the market even cursed artefacts do you think this will be enough for your plan

The red one shuck her head: There is not nearly enough magic to create the eternal night that we seek.

Bular: but this was all they had in the market where are we supposed to find more?

The blue one spoke: send your gum gum hordes to the other villages of trolls gather up any magical material no matter how small, we don't care if it's cursed we need all the magic we can get

Gunmar rubbed his stone chin: very well I will send my hordes to the keep of Gato in his stomach lies the strongest magical artefacts of the troll world

Bular argued: but father we don't even know what the magic could be used for, For all we know is demigods are just using us to get themselves stronger and I'll get rid of us when they're done

The red one raised her hand in a calming manner to stop the butcher from speaking: we understand that you do not trust us young Prince, therefore we will explain our plan to you.

Bular and gunmar look at each other and nodded as their attention was brought back to the demigods. They were on the floor now and they were casting a spell that created an ice sphere that looked like earth

The blue one started the explanation:You see this in turn on mate he's going to be a lot stronger than the one the Eldridge Queen would create

Gunmar: then why do we need the Elkridge Queen, if you too can create your own eternal night

The red one continued: Because this eternal night is a lot stronger even for us and with our Champion captured and one of our own from the order betrayed us we do not have the strength to bring about this apocalypse

Bular questioned: apocalypse?

The red one continued: yes this eternal night that we will create well not just block out the Sun, it will make the sea rise drowning the humans cities it will make fire rain from the sky flow unchecked magic will rush through the Earth causing earthquakes cracks in the centre of the Earth which will cause molten Lava to rise up

Gunmar: with that kind of disasters happening all over the world taking the service land will be easy!

The blue one: yes but we need more magical artefacts once we have enough we will melt them down and the magic will escape looking for a new host which will be asked to once the magic is imbued into our bodies we will be able to bring about this apocalypse

Gunmar: very well then we will achieve more magical artefacts but my horde will need more supporters perhaps while we invade these are the areas we can get some more gum gums

The red one spoke: excellent and since we are in need of more help we might as well bring back an old friend please stand back young prince and King

The two trolls with what they were told as the demigod landed on the floor exactly where rotten made his last stand the enchanted a spell and blasted magic into the ground as they were doing so Air became Solid lumps of rock that within pieced together like a jigsaw puzzle once they were done rotten emerged from the ground kneeling to his Masters

The red one: welcome back rotten, are you still loyal to us?

Rotten: yeah matters I will not let you down a second time I vowed to kill the trollHunter and his friends

Evil creatures began to laugh maniacally is more thoughts of how they were going to kill their enemies rush to their heads, gunmar prepared a raiding party for Gatos keep

And there is it for this chapter now I know it was short but I feel like you guys need to know what I changed for the eternal night and once again this is not mean I'm going to back to updating the story every day this was just a spark of the moment thing I still need a while to get my flow back Either way I hope you enjoyed and don't forget to leave a comment and vote for this chapter just shows your support

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