It's hammer time

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Hi there everyone I've decided to work not to have Shannon find out about trolls and aliens yet I'm thinking about having her thrown into the whole time travel episodes generally because I think that would be funny, also this chapter might be shorter than the past few ones but it still should be quite long

The Janice order secret headquarters

Narrator's point of view

Bular slammed his fist into the ground in a blind rage: what do you mean we can't attack!!

Everyone that the troll hunting team had ever wrong and was sitting round a table discussing their plan with their mastermind this mysterious sorcerers who made their plan very clear much to the butchers disliking

The red sorcerer: why do we need to attack troll market when it can be given to us by the spy, we just need to be patient.

Bular raw: why do we need to wait when we can just take troll market now! With me and my father will be able to destroy the troll hunter

alpha (that's the last member of the brotherhood i'm just going to call him alpha from now on): I disagree no one knows that your father is out of his prison that you have been reborn should we risk taking advantage that away

Otto humbled in his corner: I agree with the alien master we should keep our cards close to our chest

Bular looked around the table to see that everyone was agreeing with the sorcerers idea so then he looked at his father who he expected to support his idea

Gunmar sitting on his throne: The sorcerer is right, we just need to be patient besides Even with the two of us son I don't think we will be able to feed the troll hunter and his new abilities along with his friends

Blue sorcerer: we also need to find the location of our traitorous sister if she helps the true hunting team in anyway it will become much harder to defeat them

Bular Was furious with the fact that his father didn't take his side so he had a bit of a tantrum as he stormed off growling to himself.

Gunmar looked to the sorcerers: you said something about phase 2 of your plan what is it have to do with taking troll market

Both the sorcerers looked at each other unsure whether they should reveal any more but decided it was time to reveal the next phase of that plan

The red sorcerer: what lies in toll market is the key To unlock the eternal night the Eldridge Queen the pale lady our champion Morgana

Outside the mothership

Aja Point of view

I contacted Jim to tell him that I needed picking up in his transportation vehicle because i've got a signal for a core which I believe to be vex (I'm just gonna call him vex because I really don't like reading the full name) so he came to pick me up as I snuck out of the mothership and we headed down into the town following the signal

Jim as he is driving: are you sure your brother is okay with you doing this

I answer: nope invert I'm pretty sure he is highly against this idea but when will he learn that I generally don't do what I'm told.

Jim chuckled as he was brought back to the road I told him to stop soon after because the signal was getting very strong so we stopped in the middle of the road and a bright light comes from the other side but before we know it we were in a collision with.... Krel he must've followed me out of the house great

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