Mothers Day Special

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Kayla: Hi guys so today is NOT Mothers day. The day I'm writing this. But I want to post this a little bit early because were going somewhere for Mothers Day WITH OUR MASKES ON! 

Confetti: We will be celebrating here!

Kayla: I'll update the blooper book don't worry....



Ella's POV

I woke up in the autobot base. The day started like no other with me waking up washing my face and brushing me teeth. I looked at the calendar like I did every day and found....wait today Mother's Day????? I though. "But I thought it was a day away?" I though again. Then I got excited and zoomed to my closet threw some clothes out and put my ripped jeans and a pink rose shirt that said "Happy Mothers DAY!!!" And zoomed and got the microphone. "WAAAAAKKKKKKEEEEEEE UPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!" I yelled though the microphone. Then within seconds all of the Autobots came out undressed and in their sleeping outfits came and loads their weapons. "Are we under attack?!" Arcee said. "No no no..its Mothers Day!" I said putting the microphone down. "Know you guys need to get dressed before the celebration!" Ella said happily. "What's Mother Day?" Bulkhead asked. "Seriously??" I said staring at them. >>>"ummm yeah?"<<<Bumblebee said. "Mothers day is where you get to have fun with your Mother!" I said as I just remembered I don't even know my mom. "I'll call my mom!" Jack said. "Me to" Raf said as he got his phone. "oh oh ME THREE!!!!" Yelled Miko as she called her parents. "Why don't you call your parents Ella?" Optimus asked.

"  REAL parents are in Tokyo. BUT.... my host parents would freak." Miko said. "Speaking of that......Miko don't call your parents! The'r gonna bow our cover!" Bulkhead said. "Fine...I'll just send them a card.." Miko said as she went to get paper. "Do you guys have parents?" I asked. "We autobots.......have parents..." Optimus said. "But....they're...." Optimus said but paused. "Oh....." I said sadly. "Maybe celebrate with friends???" I said. "Sure!" Bulkhead said throwing his sleeping cap off. "I'm calling Jackie!" "I'm off to bed..." Ratchet said. "Ok...I'm gonna go change." Arcee said. ">>>Same.<<<" Bumblebee said. "What about you?" I Asked Optimus. "I....don't party....." Optimus said. "Awwww but come on....." I complained "ummm well." Optimus said. "I could show you my mother and the other autobots mother." Optimus said. "Ok!" I said happily as optimus took me down the hallways. 

We soon entered a place called "Private". And then I saw the horror. The pictures of their mothers with flowers and candles lit up. The room was dim but I could see who's mother is whom. "That's Arcee's Mother...she was a guardian of the royals. That's Bulkhead's mother. A professional wrecker. That's Bumblebee's Mother. Her Mother and mine was ver good students and friends. That's Ratchet's Mother. One of the best nurses on Cybertron. Bumblebee's Mom died of Cancer and the others of the war." Optimus said pointed to each of them as he spoke. "What about your mother?" Ella asked. "Well, as I said, my mother was like me. A clerk. Alpha Trion's best student. She died trying to protect me from the decepticons." Optimus said sadly as a small energon tear ran down his face. 

"Optimus...are you ok?" I asked get a cloth trying to wipe the tear away. "Yeah..I'm fine.." Optimus said as he pulled away. "Your lucky tho. I never knew my mother....all I have of her is this neckless she gave to me before she left me.." I replied holding the neckless that said "Love". "Don't even start on my father..." I replied. "I'm sorry Ella." Optimus said kneeling down. "I-it's ok." I replied. "We can still enjoy a good mothers day." I replied. "All I have of my mother is this teddy bear." Optimus said taking this tear bear from his chest. "All I have of my mother is this bracelet." Arcee said. "My mother gave me this cute lama!" Bumblebee said. "My mother gave me this wreck pushy" Bulkhead said. "My mother gave me the new wrench." Ratchet said yelling form his room. "Come on guys lets celebrate MOTHERS DAY!!!!!" I yelled running to the main session with the autobots following me. "That's old Ella." Arcee said shaking her head. "No...that's our Ella." Optimus said. "And the one I love." Optimus thought. 

Alright people I know I did this a bit early but I wanted to so don't judge ME!!! 591 Words!


Love Me One More Time Optimus X (Human) Reader (UNDER EDITING)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang