"She took our bird!"

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         Birdie falls asleep very fast in the comfort of James' bed. The boys had decided to switch up where she'd sleep, changing between each other of who had to sleep on the small couch. Remus was a very good teacher and Birdie advanced in her reading and academics very quickly throughout the week. Lily visited almost daily, checking on the curly haired girl, bringing her clothes and teaching her how to do basic hygiene.

Despite the marauder's bird/girl dilemma Birdie found herself bored often since the boys still had to go to class. Leading to the inevitable,

A missing Birdie.

         "I told you this was a bad idea." 

James and Sirius roll their eyes in unison, not even glancing back at the panicked werewolf. Sirius opens a random cupboard, peeking for a glance of dark curls, but only finds a blonde couple snogging. They look at him startled and he flashes them a wink before closing the door. "She probably took a wrong turn from the bathroom and got lost." Sirius says as he glances around the hall more.

Remus huffs loudly, agitated. "She's got photographic memory! It's almost impossible for her to get lost!"

Peter cuts in. "Did anyone teach her not to move when she's lost?"

Remus' jaw clenches and Sirius leans over to whisper to Peter. "Not helping, mate."

"What about the map?" James questions, reaching for the map only for Remus' face to twitch.

"She technically doesn't have a name so she won't show up." Peter lets out a small "oh."

The marauders search the halls until the next best place to look is the Great Hall. The boys share a collective look and silent prayer to Merlin hoping the Birdie, the new, unnamed, and muggle dressed girl is not in the Great Hall that's bursting with students.

They try to walk in inconspicuously, but it doesn't work very well. Their prankster popularity draws attention to them, leaving lots of cautious eyes on them and their food. They sit down slowly, trying to look around the Hall for a glimpse of Birdie.

         Meanwhile, the ex-bird girl is being interrogated by a Minerva McGonagall. "Why are you out of uniform?"

Birdie looks down at her long overalls and red sweater. "Oh." She glances back up at the stern woman. "Uhhh." Birdie drags out.

McGonagall quirks an eyebrow. "Yes?"

Suddenly, the curly haired girl's eyes glaze over and she lets out a small gasp. Minerva steadies the girl worriedly, grasping her arm firmly to keep Birdie from swaying. "Are you okay?" She calls to the girl, bending to reach her eye level.

Birdie's eyes refocus soon after. She looks at McGonagall differently now, as if hidden with some inside knowledge that Minerva doesn't know. 

Birdie cracks a grin. "I'm good, but I'd love some help."

         The marauders' eyes catch on a certain ex-bird who follows Professor McGonagall. Sirius spits his butterbeer in surprise, most of it landing on James, who doesn't bat an eye.

"I told you this would happen." Remus whimpers as he watches their biggest detention walk beside a teacher.

Sirius points at the pair. "She took our bird!"






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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2021 ⏰

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