How aot fans found out you and character were dating

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Actor au all characters are aot actors
Contains Jean, Levi, Eren, Connie, and Reiner

- Lmao Tik Tok

-He was posting a video for his fans mainly because he was feeling himself and he recorded a video on the edge of the bed

- What he didn't realize was there was a sleeping you in the background

- His fans instantly noticed and like damn detectives that shit was on the Shaderoom and TMZ before night time your name and all

- He's not really stressed though because he's been wanted to show you off


- Oh god imagine being Levi's gf and his fans find out

- The two of you are really low key so like the world wouldn't even find out about you guys until the two of you were basically married

- He'd probably post a photo of you on accident on his story

- And fans are like ?????

- Idk I don't really see him being tech savvy and he pulls a whole Chris Evans and posts his whole photo album on accident and it's all photos of you that you either took yourself or he took of you

- His fans go crazy, like some are crying, some are sending you hate mail, some are saying you and him are their parents, and some are really supportive and will dead ass kill for you especially against shady mfs in the comments


- I see the two of you as a real at home couple and the two of you don't get really seen outside of that

- So when the two of you go to like a McDonalds at like midnight and eat in the parking lot some nosy mf runs up to the car and takes photos of the two of you tearing that McDonalds up.

- It's not the two of you getting caught eating out that exposes the two of you but the fact that Eren would probably fuck up anybody interrupting the two of you guys time together and people just start gathering around recording

- And if anyone reposts the video of you eating and put like the, 'Oh he fucking that shit up' or say ignorant shit criticizing you he's arguing with all 34555 comments


- Literally everyone knew there was no secret

- He makes it well known even when the two of you are in the talking stage

- Posts every single moment together has his own personal section for you on his ig page

- Talks about you in all interviews even when reporters don't ask

- Begs for you to be able to be on set with him constantly so that he can run over and kiss you every time he's done with his part


- You were actually the one to post him

- It was really cute it was a video of him serving you breakfast in bed shirtless

- your caption: 'You wish this was you huh?'

- After that his ig page is just filled with photos and videos of the two of you and sometimes just you

- Constantly on set calling you asking how your day was every chance he gets

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