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As Maya Bishop got home she was expecting to see her girlfriend, she was shocked when all she saw was a note.

A Maya,

Ciao amore mio, presumo che tu sia un po 'confuso in questo momento, fidati di me, spero che ne valga la pena, ora, vai nel posto che abbiamo incontrato per la prima volta.

(I've left you a dictionary, I'm not cruel)

Dal tuo bambino, Carina

Maya cursed, she barely knew how to say hello, she knew that Bambino means Baby, only because Carina always calls her "il mio bambino piccolo" which means my little baby.

After 45 minutes Maya cheered when she realised she figured out the note, which read.

To Maya,

Hi my love, I assume you are a little confused right now, trust me, I hope it's worth it, now, go to the place we first met.

From your baby, Carina.

Maya scrunches her eyebrows up, where they first met? would that be Joe's or the hospital?" Maya knows where to start...

The chapters will be short but posted quiet often

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