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Maya is getting restless, her body aches but she anticipates the surprise that she hopes is coming.

She seems to be stuck though, their wasn't a clue for her next destination in the note.
Maya decides to go check around her office where she found a note in a fancy handwriting and a red note

Go to Meredith's and you'll see,
Me sitting under a tree

Maya smiled at the rhyme, her girlfriend had been obsessed with rhymes recently.

Maya sets of to get to the home of Meredith grey where...

Okay I might write another chapter in about 7/8 hours, I have school tomorrow and it's 11:30, I slept 2 hours yesterday and rlly need too tonight so I hope you enjoyed it, have you guys figured out the surprise, also I don't know what I will do once the surprise happens. I might continue or not, I don't know. There's only 1 or 2 chapters left before the surprise.

Burning PoemDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora