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The notes had no words but a few pictures, the first note was in English

Dear Maya,
Go to the place where i met your mum.
From Carina.

The pictures on the other note was a drawing of what Maya assumed was supposed to be a fire house but it could've passed as a horse, she laughs at her girlfriends picture.

She knew where she had too go and knowing her girlfriend she would want the exact place, she was going to go to her office, the one she had left mere hours ago.

She walks into the fire station where she spots Andy "let me guess, Carina isn't here?" Maya asks and Andy shakes her head before handing her a note.

Spero tu sappia che non vedo l'ora per il giornfo in cui dici che lo faccio.

By the way, unless you figure that out without a dictionary you'll have to find me, and find what comes with it...

From Carina.

I love you my bambino

If you guys can understand what the Italian says, know that it's a hint.

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