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Maya rushes into the Emerald city bar, aka, Joe's.

she notices that the bar is quiet and another note.

Ah, bambino,  l'hai capito in fretta, ora vai nel posto in cui sei corso con il naso.

Next to the note was another dictionary.

after spending another 20 minutes on it, with the help of Joe of course, she had it translated.

Ah, Baby, you figured it out quick, now go to the place you ran to with a nose.

Maya laughs too herself before going to the hospital across the road, she was greeted by Bokhee who handed her a note and smiled at her.

thankfully this note was in English


I decided to give you a break from Italian so this is the next clue.

Find Meredith, she'll lead you to me, or maybe not...

Like I said, short chapters.

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