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Ok so I have no idea what I'm doing so yeah if this sucks you know why
Also swear word warning or something lol

"Ok, you ready?"

"I'm ready whenever you are."

"Bitch I was ready yesterday."

"Hey, be nice."

Rod rolled his eyes. "Sincere apologies my dear, is there anything I can do for you to make you feel better?" Rod said in a mocking Brittish accent. "Yes, lose the damn accent. You sound like Finn" You said. 

"Aw hell nah, I don't sound like that gay bastard." 

"How the fuck would you know that he's gay?" 

"Have you seen the motherfucker? He's obviously gay." 

"I mean, now that I think about it- no we're getting off topic. Do you have everything you need?"

 "What do you think? Of course! It's Rod Redline you're talking to baby, he's always ready." 

"Yeah right." You chuckeled. "Remember that one time that you-" "No need to get off topic babe." Rod interrupted. "Thought so." You smirked.

*Even though I don't show it, I always liked having Rod as my partner. Rod is the friend I can always be mean to and there are no hard feelings. But lately things have been feeling odd. Whenever I would be near Rod or even just think about him, I'd get this weird feeling in my stomach. It wasn't pain, or nerves. It felt like nerves, but it was more calming somehow. I decided to ignore it for a long time but as time passed by, it started happening more and more. Confronting Rod about it was a no go. I don't wanna lose the bond I have with Rod. But I'll  have to tell him at some point.*

Hey hurry up! We don't have all day." Rod said. "Yes right sorry."

"You apologizing? That's new. Something up?"

"Woah, I didn't know you were a therapist."

"Haha very funny. Sorry for caring about you for once." Rod snarked. "Meh, not like I mind."

"I'm sorry, what was that?"


*Damnit why in the fucking fuck sake did I say that. This could've been a perfect opportunity to tell him. But no I have to be dumb as fuck again. Why in the shit am I like this? There is a thing I wanna do or tell, it's the perfect time yet I don't do it. Like Jesus fuck do I need help or something? Is there help for this kind of shit? Am I overthinking this nonsense? Do I need help with that? Ok Y/N calm the fuck down. Maybe there's another time. But what if there isn't? No, let's just assume that there is. Right now? Do I tell him right now? No right now is the worst timing ever we're about to go on a mission.*

"You ready?" Rod asked annoyed. "Yup, ready to go."

"No you're not, you forgot your gun you idiot."

"Right fuck."

"Here, I'll get it for you." Rod said as he reached out for the gun. As you also reached out for the gun your hands touch. As you make deep eye contact, Rod slowly moves his head closer to yours. Your lips almost touch until suddently you hear a voice over the radio. "Ayo you two lovebirds ever gonna go or what?" "Oh shut up. And yes." You said. As you walk up to the balcony you don't even dare to look at him. *What the fuck was that? Were we just about to- nah don't be crazy.* As you arrive at the balcony this big TV screen pulls up on the ground floor. On the TV appears this weird guy with his face covered and his voice scrambeled. He starts jabbering about being powerful and shit. Yadayadayada not improtant. "Ayo is that-" You asked. "Yup. It's fucker who's behind this shit."

"Well hurry the fuck up, make a picture, this is important information."

"Yeah yeah boss." Rod snarked.

*It literally couldn't be a worse time right now to sneeze, yet the universe decides to turn it's back against me and let me fuck up this whole damn mission. I tried to hold the sneeze but I failed and let out the hardest sneeze ever. Like seriously my dad would look up to that and say that was a hard ass sneeze.*

One of the professor's henchmen looked up. "It's those spies!"

"Fucking run!" Rod yelled as he grabs you by the hand. You two start running like crazy. Rod shoots anyone in your way. As you get out of the building, you immediatly get into Rod's blue mix of a Mustang and a Challenger. "You really couldn't pick a better car?" "Go to hell I love this car." Rod said as he started the car and drove away.

*Is now a good timing to talk about- you know- the thing? It's not like there's anything between us like a mission or something. Well technically there still is but that doesn't matter, we're in a car. During a car ride is the best time to open up to someone, right? At least that's what I learned from all the car rides I've been in. You know what? We're doing it. It's now or never.*

"Hey so, about that whole thing with the gun. There were no feelings with that right?" Rod immediatly stops the car. "Okay this is gonna sound really really corny but, I've been wanting to kiss you for a while. Or just hug you. Or just hold hands with you. Or just any kind of affection. Whenever I'm around you I feel at ease. I get this weird feeling, but it's calming in a way. What I'm trying to say is that I think I somehow got feelings for you."

"Christ, well this might be surprising to you but, I feel the same way. And you were right that did sound really really corny."

"Shut up already will you?" Rod says as he pulls in for a kiss.

"Well now I know there's at least one thing I'm good at."

"At kissing? You're kidding right I'm absolutely crushing you right now."

"Please don't overestimate yourself."

"I'm not, we both know that I'm better at this than you are. You know I'm right. Rod Redline is always right."

"Exept that one time that you-"

"Don't ruin the moment babe."

To be continued??? I don't fucking know lmfao
Also there's nothing wrong with Finn (don't worry my precious baby, I still love you.) Pretend you didn't read that-

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