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I have no idea where I'm going with this

"Hey, wake up. We're here."

Rod's eyes slowly start to open.

"Hey, hurry the fuck up. We ain't got all day."

"Screw off." Rod said as he was slowly coming  back to life.

You opened Google Maps to see where the hell you were supposed to go to get home. You see that's an 1 hour walk.

"Well then, guess this goodbye for now. I gotta leave between pretty much now and now. I have to take a 1 hour walk so wish me luck."

"An hour? There really isn't another way for you to get home?"

"If teleportation were a thing yes, but by the looks of it, it seems that I'll just have to walk home."

"You know what, I guess you can-"

"I guess you can what?"

"I guess you can stay at my place." Rod said as he blushed a little. (LAWD😩🤚)

"Oh me oh my, who is this gentleman here?"

"Swear to god, you're only staying one night and there's no way we're sharing a bed."

"Wasn't gonna suggest that but sure."

*God fucking damnit we both know I was gonna suggest that.* (AYO!?😳)

Y'all walk up to Rod's house. As soon as Rod opens the door Rod's dog Spencer comes out to greet the both of you. Rod suddenly turns into a nice guy like praising his dog and shit.

"How come you're a jerk to me but to a furball that isn't smarter than a dishcloth you're the nicest guy ever."

"Hey be nice to Spencer, he's sensitive."

"Oh I'll be nice, right up until I'm rude." (Ahahah Ash vs Evil Dead reference. You- you see what I did there)

"Fine then, I guess you're not staying."

"Ugh. Fine I'll be nice to your dumb dog."

"I thought you said you were gonna be nice."

"Alright alright I'll stop."

"As you follow Rod to his living room you are being followed by Spencer while he looks right at you. No thoughts behind those eyes. No thoughts head empty.

"Rod thinks you're sensitive, but in reality you have the emotions of a door." You whisper to the dog.

"Whachu say?" Rod asks while he's already in the living room.

"Uh- wow you have such a nice floor!" *Nailed that one pretty good if I say so myself*

As you walk into the living room you notice that there are a lot of plants. And when I say a lot I mean  a  l o t. And not just dead ones. They're all healthy and happy.

"It's not much so I made the best of it." Rod said.

"Wow, I didn't expect you to be a dog and a plant guy."

"It's really that noticable huh."

"Mate you can't NOT see it, it looks like the damn amazon in here."

"Haha very funny. You wanna see where you're staying?"

"It's prepared already?"

"Well yeah duh, you don't have a guest room just in case?"


"Oh. Well do you wanna see or not?"

"Sure thing."

Rod Redline x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now