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Trust me this was worth the wait. I hope-

You slowly wake up. Then you suddenly remember what happened last night *Oh shit. Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit. HOW THE SHIT DID THIS HAPPEN HELP-* You were starting sweat really bad in Rod's arms. (also yeah y'all were hugging btw lmao) You slowly tried to get out of his arms, hoping Rod wouldn't notice. But he did.

"Hey.. don't leave yet..." He said with a deeper voice than usual because he just woke up.

You froze. You accepted your fate (as you should 😌🤚) and laid back in position. *Holy Christ on a hell sandwich what the fuck is happening. Is this really happening? Maybe I'm dreaming? Yeah that's probably it. Maybe I should like pinch myself to see if I'm actually dreaming? No that's weird the fuck. Buuuut what if it is a dream. No pinching yourself would be a bad idea cuz I don't wanna wake up from this. (OH? OKAY BESTIE😳)No this can't be a dream, if it would I probably wouldn't be able to think about it. This is not a dream this is real life. HOLY SHIT THIS IS REAL LIFE. THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING. OH GOD. OH SHIT. WHAT DO I DO. Ok calm the fuck down. You're fine. You're not dying. You're just- basically- cuddling with your friend you've loved for so long. I AM CUDDLING WITH A HANDSOME ASS MAN. I AM LIVING THE DREAM. FUCK ALL OF YOU I AM GOD.* As you were being aggressively enthusiastic Rod slowly started waking up. His eyes started to open. You were making eye contact with him. As soon as he adjusted his eyes to the light, Rod realized how close you were to him.

"Oh, sorry." He said as he immediately let go and sat up. You sat up with him.

"I mean it's not like I mind." You mumbled.

"Scuse me what?"

"You heard me." You say as you throw in a flirty ass fucking smile. You got up and walked out the room like a god. (THE POWER THE POWER THAT'S SOME RESPECTABLE RIGHT THERE) Rod was flustered. (LAWD 😩😮‍💨) You got dressed and went downstairs. Down the stairs you got greeted by Rod's loving, not the brightest, but still loving dog Spencer. 

"Hya buddy! How'd you sleep?" You said as you were petting the Border Collie. Spencer jumped on you and you fell on the floor. You just sat there and accepted your fate as Spencer was licking you all over your face. Before you knew it, Rod came in.

"My, you like Spencer after all."

"Shut up."

Rod made you cornflakes in a bowl with a tiny heart on it (I SWEAR THIS MAN 😩🤚) and a cup of coffee. He knew how you liked it cuz you'd always get the same at the office.

"Hey, I'm sorry about last night." He said.

"Sorry for what?"

"I don't know, I just- feel like I went to fast. With like the whole us sharing a bed you know."

"Oh no you have nothing to be sorry about. I actually liked it."

"You- you- did?" Rod said flustered.

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Well- because- I don't know- I thought you would-"

"Shhh." You said as you laid your finger on Rod's mouth. "Shut up it was amazing. Now, I don't have anywhere to be right now. Maybe we could continue watching She-ra?"

"Y-yeah I'll be there in just a minute."

You walked out of the kitchen as you thought to yourself *BRUH AM I NAILING THIS BITCH? IF I, ME, THIS BITCH IS ABLE TO GET ROD FLUSTERED!? I AM 100% NAILING THIS. Ok now just keep this shit up and we got this in the bag. But wait- what if he doesn't like it? What if I can't keep up like this? What if I blow it? Could you stop doubting for just one fucking second? You got this. But what if I- no. Shut the fuck up. Whether you believe it or not, you got this.* Rod came in. You were happy to see him because your thoughts would not shut the fuck up.

"I'm surprised you're into this Rod."

"You know, now that I think about it, same. I never thought I'd be interested in a show about lesbian princesses."

After finishing watching She-ra you figured it was probably time to go. You felt like you didn't constantly annoy him with just- you. You went upstairs to pack your shit, thinking about last night and how you wanted to experience it again. Just the feeling of laying against his warm chest gave you butterflies. It almost made packing impossible cuz you'd constantly zone out thinking about cuddling with Rod. (honestly I would do the same 😌🤚)

"Hey, I hate to bother you with this but can you please drive me home? Cuz you know- I don't have my wallet and the walking distance is just- No. You know?"

"Of course, don't worry."

You both got in Rod's car. You gave Rod the address of a place near your house. Not exactly your house because you were embarrassed about it. It was way smaller than Rod's and you somehow felt like he was gonna make fun of it. Even though you knew he wouldn't do that you still had a feeling he would.

"So, why did you have to leave again?" Rod asked.

"Well I realized that I needed to clean the house so yeah."

"You care about cleaning your house? Really?"


"You suck at lying, you know that?"

"The fuck is that supposed to mean."

"You would never care about the well being of your house. Besides, your voice changed when you said that and your hand clenched."

"You notice that?"

"Of course I do babe."


"So tell me. Why did you really need to leave?"

"Well it's just that- I thought I bothered you for too long."

"Bother me with what?"

"Just with me. I thought I was getting annoying to you."

"Now why in the world would I be bothered by you."

"Because I'm annoying..?"

"Hey don't talk about yourself like that. You are far from being annoying. You are one of the best people to be around with."

"You mean it?"

"Of course I do. Why wouldn't I? Oh, we made it. So I'll see you..."

"Soon enough."

"It better be."

"Of course it will" You said as you gave Rod a goodbye kiss. He was flustered. You felt like a bad bitch again. (As you should bestie 🙄🤚)





Also next part is gonna have a lil time skip cuz I'm lazy so yeh prepare for that I guess lmao

Rod Redline x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now