Horny? No lol

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Wtf do I say-
Part 2 I guess?? Lmao
And again nono words warning lol

"Wait can they see us from here?"

"Well duh, it's not we're like somewhere hidden."

"Then why the shit did we stop!?"

"Dramatic effect."


Rod immediatly hit the gas. You looked back and you saw that they were getting closer. As they were getting closer you realized that they were shooting at you. *Crap, is this how I'm gonna die? Not as epic as I thought but then again, chasing scenes are always epic.* As you are praying to God you see that y'all brought dynamite. *Holy shit! THERE IS NO GOD! FUCK ALL OF YOU!*

"Rod! Look what I found!" You say with a grin as you are holding the dynamite sticks.

"Are you crazy!?"

"Listen it's either this or dying."

"Alright fine but you better not fuck up my car with this shit."

"Oh please when was the last time that I fucked- you know what nevermind I take that back."

"This doesn't make it more reassuring you know."

"Your precious little car will be fine."

"Yeah for some reason I don't believe you."

"Do you wanna do it then? That's right, you can't cuz you're driving. As I said, it's this or dying."

"Alright but if you fuck up my car with this I swear to god."

"Quit bitching already and let me handle this."

(Y'all are so nice to each other :D)

You lit the dynamite and threw it out of the window, while you're scared as shit cuz you have no fucking clue if you aimed right. You covered your ears while thinking: *Maybe THIS is how I'm gonna die? That's more epic I guess. Wait, do I wanna get cremated or burried?* Suddenly you hear a big explosion behind you. Of course you didn't get all of the henchmen cuz shit never goes the way you want it to haha lol.

"God fucking damnit."

"Jesus Christ, there is a thing called aiming you know."

"Fuck you"

"Love you too <3."

*Ayo did he just- nah- nah he playin with me. There is no way in hell that he just- nah he didn't mean that, he didn't mean that.*
[casually just fucking forgets that Rod confessed his feelings to you a few minutes ago cuz you're dumb apparently lol]

When you threw the lit dynamite out of the window you kinda watched your aim cuz you don't wanna throw dynamite out of the window a third time cuz that's lame lol. *Ok this is the third time of think that I'm going today, what the fuck. Best day ever.* Boom dynamite go brrr. 


"Damn that was close."

"Alright, do we go back now?"

"Are you out of your god damn mind!?"

"What? We have nothing!"

"We have a picture of that weird guy, you know, the one who runs THE ENTIRE OPERATION."

"Yeah and that's it! We have no clue who he is, we barely know what he looks like, AKA nothing."

"They're probably looking for us now. It's best for now that we go to the office with all the information that we have."

Rod Redline x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now