matt sallee

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𝓲𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮 -daddy's girl

𝔀𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 - very adorable, fluff, just very happy 

𝓭𝓮𝓼𝓬𝓻𝓲𝓹𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 - saffron fell pregnant with her now six-year-old daughter when she was twenty and now she's twenty-six. after saffron's daughter, makenna, was born her manipulative ex left her and makenna all on their own, until she met matt not even a month after makenna had been born. then, when saffron and matt thought makenna wouldn't call matt dad, she did but, in the sweetest way possible. 

𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓻'𝓼 𝓷𝓸𝓽𝓮 - i love this idea and i knew how adorable it would be for matt. 

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saffron's pov

smiling brightly, i swayed from side to side and mouthed the words to the song that my boyfriend matt and his band pentatonix were currently rehearsing. my little six-year-old daughter, makenna, sat in my lap happily as she watched her uncles, aunty and mummy's boyfriend in front of her. 

"kenna, who's that on stage? who is it?" my voice raises an octave at makenna as she giggles, pointing to the stage 

"aunty kirstin, uncle scott, uncle mitchie and uncle kevin!" she squeals excitedly as she looked everywhere to find matt, her favourite person because he was mommy's boy

"what about matt matt?" i giggle as she then looks up and notices matt as ashe squeals but her squeal intensifies when she locked eye contact with him 

"THERE!" she squealed out, a giggle falling out of her mouth as i giggle too - the band laughing as well who were now suddenly distracted by the six-year-old  

"KENNA ROSE! MY BABY!" matt excitedly squeals out all of a sudden as makenna hops off my lap and runs over to him which makes me laugh - i quickly notice mitch and scott had started to film which made me laugh even more 

"matt matt! you sounded perfect! i wanna be like you when i'm older!" makenna squeals out as matt picks her up for a cuddle as i can't help the smile that forms on my face at these two

"aw, kenna, thank you princessa. do you really wanna sing like me?" matt smiled, slightly tilting his head as makenna smiles back, nodding her head 

"yes! i wanna be able to sing and dance on stage just like you can! but, isn't it scary?" makenna questioned, her eyebrows furrowing as matt brings her closer as he shows her 

"not at all princessa. it's not scary at all, look, i'll show you," matt smiled as he stood up from the edge of the stage as he brought makenna higher up on his hip as he then showed makenna what it looks like to be performing up on the stage 

as matt shows makenna around the stage whilst singing short snippets of songs, i watch on as i notice that there was something that makenna wanted to tell matt. however, she was trying to figure out how to say it. and, i think i knew what it was that she was wanting to say. 

flashback | two months ago | saffron's pov 

i giggled softly as i watched the way matt, my boyfriend and my six-year-old daughter makenna interacted with each other. ever since makenna's biological dad left the picture of kenna and i's lives when she was barely a month old, i could tell that makenna had been begging for a father as she started to get older and started to realise that she didn't have one. and, i too realised that she didn't have one. i mean, sure, whilst i am friends with the guys in pentatonix, due to growing up with the core three in texas, mitch, kirstin and scott, makenna really does need to have a father who will always be present for her whenever she needs him to be. and, truthfully, i think, in her eyes, that was matt. makenna saw matt as her daddy and, i think she's had enough of just calling him matt matt. we met matt in 2017 after the former bass of pentatonix left and matt joined and it just seemed like we fell head over heels in love with each other. i can tell how badly she's wanting to call him her dad because i can clearly see that she's finally ready to have that part of her life opened up again. especially now that makenna is getting older and in school, she is now fully aware of the fact that she doesn't have a daddy like every other kid in her year level and it's blindly obvious that it annoys her and i notice it annoys her that she can't participate in certain activities because she doesn't have a dad, despite the fact she does have matt. the first time i ever saw her completely refuse to do an activity for school was recently when her school had a grade one daddy-daughter dance and she couldn't go because at the time, matt and i hadn't actually told anyone that we were dating and, even if we had, matt was on tour with pentatonix so he couldn't make it regardless. and, makenna knew that if she went anyway with my brother, her uncle, she would get laughed at because everyone at the school knows now that she doesn't have a dad and she would have been the laughing stock of her school's daddy-daughter dance. 

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